How To Deal With A Fly Infestation In Houston
Ants on lime

How To Deal With A Fly Infestation In Houston

Picture this; you are sitting at home, maybe working, trying to enjoy a meal, or relaxing in front of the television. Suddenly, there is a buzzing sound, and it’s getting louder and closer to your ear. You realize it’s a fly, so you do your best to catch it, and after a few minutes, you are successful in removing this annoying pest from your home. But then, another appears, starting the cycle all over again without fail. This happens to all of us! Flies can be annoying, especially when trying to focus or relax. And, if we are being honest, this is only referring to house flies, never mind fruit flies in the kitchen or other types of flies that commonly invade homes!

Understanding the different kinds of flies that cause problems on residential properties is essential to keeping them away and removing them when they infest. Without proper identification, it can be impossible to treat the pest effectively.

Here are six of the most common home-invading fly species in our area:

  • House Flies
  • Fruit Flies

  • Drain Flies

  • Flesh Flies

  • Fungus Gnats

  • Phorid Flies

Reading about the different flies that you may experience in your home can be overwhelming and an infestation even more. But it doesn’t have to be! Our experts at Modern Pest Control are here to share everything you need to know about flies and offer Houston pest control options for these pesky insects. Keep reading to learn how to identify this common species, what attracts them, and the problems they can cause. Plus, find prevention tips that are not only beneficial in helping keep flies out but other insects that might infest your home as well!

How To Identify Your Fly Problem

The most obvious sign of a fly problem is seeing this pest flying around your home. Although one of two flies might not be considered an infestation, they can quickly become one. There are several types of flies you are probably familiar with but don’t know how to identify from each other.

Here are six typical home-invading flies you should know more about:

  • House flies are undoubtedly the most frequent home invaders; it’s even in their name. They range from 1/8 to ¼ of an inch long are a dull gray color, with four black lines running vertically on the thorax. House flies also have red eyes, slightly hair bodies, and one pair of wings.

  • Fruit flies are about 1/8 of an inch long, tiny, and their features can be challenging to see with the naked eye. They are brown or tan, and some species have red eyes while others have dark brown or black eyes. These flies are often confused for gnats because of their size and appearance. One difference between fruit flies and gnats is that fruit flies have a rounded body while gnats have a long body.

  • Drain flies are about 1/8 of an inch long and have an interesting appearance. They are moth-like because of their fuzzy bodies. Drain flies are light greasy or tan and have a dark border around their oval-shaped wings.

  • Flesh flies look similar to house flies but are larger and grow between 1/3 to ½ of an inch long. They have are light gray, have three black stripes running down the thorax, a checkerboard pattern on the top of the abdomen, and bright red eyes.

  • Fungus gnats are 1/8 of an inch long and have a grayish or black body with a y-shaped pattern on their wings, which are a smoky color. Another difference between fruit flies and gnats is that gnats have large wings for their bodies.

  • Phorid flies are tiny, ranging between 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch long. They are dark brown to black and have a humpbacked appearance due to their arched thorax. Because the phorid flies are so small, they are identifiable by their erratic and short distanced flight patterns.

It may not always be clear where flies are coming from, but identifying the species is a start. Doing this will help you locate the source of the infestation.

Find Out Where Flies Are Coming From

Although it may seem like flies come out of nowhere, there is usually a good reason you have them in your home. Once you know how to distinguish the different kinds of flies, you can better identify the source of the infestation. 

  • House flies lay their eggs on decaying organic matter such as garbage and feces. This species primarily breeds outdoors but will make its way inside through damaged screens, weather stripping, and other structural weaknesses. House flies can also fly in through open doors and potentially breed inside if the conditions are right.

  • Fruit flies lay their eggs on rotting materials. They can also breed in drains and garbage disposals, laying 400 eggs which only need a few days to hatch. Their short lifecycle is why they seem to come from nowhere. 

  • Drain flies come in during warm temperatures; they breed outside and then get into homes through open windows and doors. Inside, they can breed in drains and other places with moist organic material.

  • Flesh flies breed in decaying material, feces, carrion, and open wounds of animals. They can get in through open doors and windows. While they don’t usually breed inside, they can in garbage and compost.

  • Fungus gnats commonly infest houseplants as they breed in moist soil. They can come inside through open windows and doors and on already-infested plants.

  • Phorid flies breed in sewer drains, garbage, and other moist decaying materials.

Flies are quick breeders, so it is essential to take care of them quickly. To do this, you need to understand why flies are attracted to your home so you can remove conducive conditions.

Reasons Why Flies Are In Your Home

As previously mentioned, most fly species can get into a home through open windows and doors. This can happen by accident, and you may not realize that you are providing an environment for these pests to thrive in. So even if they get into your home accidentally, they may find a reason to stay and breed before you can catch them.

Here are a few things that attract the flies, as mentioned earlier:

  • House flies- decaying organic material, including meat and feces.

  • Fruit flies- rotting and over-ripe produce. They are attracted to sugary substances, including soda and alcohol. Even if you don’t keep produce out, they can find food debris in sinks, drains, and garbage cans.

  • Drain flies- as their name suggests, drain flies are attracted to drains, mainly where organic material builds up. Leaks and dirty sinks can also attract this species.

  • Flesh flies- garbage, feces, and decaying remains. 

  • Fungus gnats- moist soil, overwatered potted plants, and decaying organic matter.

  • Phorid flies- garbage, rotting produce, drains, and soil contaminated by sewage.

While these pests are small, they can cause many problems for the homes they infest. This includes spreading diseases such as dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, anthrax, leprosy, salmonella, E. coli, listeria, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, and more. They can also contaminate food and kill house plants, not to mention how stressful this pest is in your home. If you think of trying to catch one fly in your home, an entire infestation can make it impossible to perform daily tasks. 

You should not take this pest lightly, as these are only a few of the problems associated with fly infestations. This pest can make both you and your family sick, so you should know how to prevent them from infesting in the first place and how to get rid of them effectively. 

The Trick To Completely Getting Rid Of Flies

Getting rid of a fly infestation isn’t as easy as swatting them away. There are several common mistakes people make when trying to get rid of flies. Usually, these mistakes include relying on natural remedies for flies, such as using vinegar and dish soap or cayenne pepper and water, but this pest is more stubborn than we think. These methods will appear to be working as they will catch some of the pests, but they won’t get rid of the entire infestation as they don’t get to the source of the problem.

Don’t waste your time with the natural remedies for flies you find on the internet. Instead, call us at Modern Pest Control for quick and effective treatments that remove infestations.

Our home pest control plans include:

  • Modern Plus Service- starting at $34 a month, this quarterly service covers most ant species, roaches, silverfish, crickets, millipedes, pillbugs, earwigs, and more. We will treat your home, garage, and immediate perimeter for the pests above. We will also remove cobwebs, monitor rodent activity, and treat fleas, fire ants, and spiders in your yard.

  • Signature Service- starting at $62 a month, this plan includes everything in the Modern Plus Service and includes termite control. We use the trusted Sentricon® System with Always Active™ technology for termite control.  

  • Signature Plus Service- starting at $92 a month, this plan includes everything provided in the Signature Services and includes seasonal mosquito control. You will receive monthly mosquito treatments using the latest products and technology from April through October. 

Each of these plans is customizable to fit your needs, so you can rest assured that you are protected from pests year-round. Don’t waste your time and money trying to use natural methods, gross sticky traps, or store-bought chemicals that are ineffective and can be dangerous to you and your family.

At Modern Pest Control, we are dedicated to providing quality customer service and pest control treatments. This includes sharing some fly prevention tips with you!

Here are some prevention tips that will help keep fly species away:

  • Repair any leaking pipes and faucets.

  • Wipe down sinks, showers, and bathtubs to remove excess water.

  • Regularly clean sinks, showers, and bathtubs to remove residue buildup.

  • Clean the garbage disposal by disconnecting it from its power source, removing food debris, and using baking soda and vinegar. 

  • Clean up spills and crumbs right away, and make sure to wipe up any residue.

  • Regularly deep clean under heavy appliances and inside cupboards. 

  • Use garbage cans and compost bins with tight-fitting lids on the interior and exterior of your home.

  • Clean garbage cans and surrounding areas regularly. 

  • Rinse bottles, cans, and other food containers before disposing of them.

  • Inspect produce before purchasing it from the store. 

  • Store produce in the refrigerator rather than on the counter.

  • Don’t let produce over-ripen and discard any that does in the garbage outside.

  • Never leave dirty dishes or pet food out overnight.

  • Harvest fruits and vegetables from gardens promptly and clean up those overripened and any that have fallen.

  • Regularly clean out your gutters and make sure downspouts guide water away from your home’s foundation. 

  • Remove any organic debris such as leaf piles from your yard.

  • Don’t let pet waste sit in your yard. Instead, properly dispose of it to keep from attracting pests.

  • Inspect your home for potential entry points, such as gaps around window and door frames.

  • Repair any damaged screens and weatherstripping.

  • Don’t overwater potted plants.

  • Inspect plants for pests if you notice plants wilting, yellowing, or dying.

Learn more about fly prevention, home pest control, and commercial pest control services we offer and how you can begin with a free inspection by calling us at Modern Pest Control today!

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