Katy's Complete Guide To Effective Roof Rat Control
Rat on the grass

Katy's Complete Guide To Effective Roof Rat Control

You're startled out of a sleepy stupor by a dull scratching above your head, followed by the scurry of padded feet across the floor. If this sounds like something you have experienced, it is likely that you have a roof rat infestation in your Katy home. 

The professionals at Modern Pest Control can help you eliminate roof rats from your residence. We are your source for information and prevention techniques to rid your home of pests. 

Roof Rats

Roof rats earned their names because of their propensity to dwell in high, hard to reach places. They find shelter in attics, on roofs, in crawl spaces, or inside the cabinets in your home. The roof rat is known by several different names, such as the black rat, the palm rat, and the fruit rat. The roof rat is distinguishable from other rats because of its smaller size and black and brownish-gray color. They grow up to eight inches long, and their characteristic smooth fur and narrow bodies differ from the Norway rat. Roof rats typically live near coastal regions where the climate is humid and warm. 

Roof rats are different from other rats because they prefer fruits and nuts instead of the high protein diets other rats enjoy. They will store food near where they make their nests. But like other rats, they will eat anything if they are hungry, which is one reason they can be so destructive to your home. 

Roof Rats Are Dangerous

Roof rats can cause severe property damage to your home. Because they live in high places, they are hard to detect and catch. Roof rats, like other rats, gnaw constantly. They possess incisor teeth that continually grow unless filed down. Roof rats, if unchecked, will chew through insulation, wiring, and even piping or wood. Targeting wiring can leave your home at risk for fires. 

Property damage isn't the only safety concern; roof rats are also a health concern for those in your home. Rats leave fecal matter and urine wherever the traipse. Their droppings and urine will make it in and around your food supplies, contaminating them. Roof rats spread bacteria and viruses, and the CDC lists more than 26 direct or indirectly transmitted illnesses caused by rat infestations. Salmonella and E. coli are common, but they can spread more serious diseases like bubonic plague and typhus too. 

Rats also transport parasites like fleas and ticks. These parasites exponentially increase the risk of someone in your home contracting diseases. Illnesses like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever can cause long-term health problems. The presence of rats in your home can also exacerbate allergy issues, especially for those with asthma. 

Root Rat Prevention Tips

Root rats are hard to get rid of. That's why prevention is the best approach for homeowners. 

Modern Pest Control offers eight prevention tips to help keep your home rat-free. Many of these focus on eliminating entry points. Others block the rat's access to food and water sources.

  1. Seal holes and cracks in your foundation.

  2. Prevent rats from getting access to your attic by trimming overgrown trees.

  3. Install chimney caps and place mesh over vents.

  4. Control vegetation around your property, including fallen fruit from trees.

  5. Properly dispose of garbage.

  6. Limit water around your house that will attract rodents.

  7. Keep your home well-ventilated.

  8. Use a dehumidifier to eliminate moisture.

The only way to effectively manage roof rats is to call in the professionals. Contact Modern Pest Control for more advice or assistance. We use the latest methods to address pest problems. Our team serves the greater Katy and Houston areas. 

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