How To Tell If The Spider In Your Houston Home Is Dangerous

How To Tell If The Spider In Your Houston Home Is Dangerous 

For those of us with a phobia for these eight-legged pests, every single arachnid we spy is a potentially dangerous vector. However, most spiders in Houston are objectively not as dangerous as they would first appear. But just how do we identify dangerous spider species from non-dangerous ones, and what can we do to mitigate our exposure to the big baddies of the arachnid world? 

Let’s start by understanding the role of most spiders in nature. In the wild, spiders build large silk webs in order to entrap prey. These creatures feed on other spiders, small insects, tiny mammals, and in rare cases, large creatures such as birds and frogs. All spiders are well known for having long fangs and venom, but here’s the good news: not all spiders have fangs long enough to pierce human skin, or venom potent enough to damage the human nervous system. Even if you do get bit, you will likely come out of the situation just fine!

Common house spiders that shouldn’t worry you (especially around Houston) may include: 

  • The Cellar Spider 

  • The Jumping Spider 

  • The Wolf Spider 

However, just because most spider species in Texas aren’t dangerous doesn’t mean that there won’t be some deadly varieties hanging about. Some types, such as the black widow spider or the brown recluse spider, can make their way into human homes on rare occasions. You are most likely to encounter a black widow spider or brown recluse spider in the dark, arid, and more cluttered areas of the home. Abandoned garages, outdoor sheds, and gardening greenhouses are always suspected. The underside of large rocks or children’s playground equipment may also be another hotspot. Keep on the lookout for spiders that appear to be: 

  • Dark, shiny black with a red hourglass on the underside of the abdomen 

  • Velvety brown with a small ‘fiddle’ shape on the top side of the abdomen 

If you believe to have been bitten by a spider with characteristics similar to these, please seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you have yet to experience any dangerous spider activity on the lawn, start applying the following prevention steps as soon as possible.

Houston’s Guide To Dangerous Spider Prevention On Residential Properties

The good news about most spider species is that prevention can be extraordinarily effective at the base level. Start by addressing the controllable factors around your property, including the inside and outside of the home.

One of the only reasons a spider will choose to enter a home is due to the presence of pest prey activity. You may not know it (or like it very much), but an underlying pest infestation of roaches, flies, ants, or beetles could be drawing spiders closer and closer to home. Get a home inspection from Modern Pest Control to address the underlying pest prey species in your house. 

Seal up any cracks and gaps in the house with waterproof caulking material. Pay special attention to gaps in window screens, cracks in bricks or walls, or fissures forming from the foundations of the home. 

For additional tips and tricks, please book a home inspection with Modern Pest Control at your earliest convenience.

Spirit Away Your Spider Population With Help From Modern Pest Control

If too many spiders are hanging around your home, including dangerous species, you’ll need help immediately to keep them from multiplying rapidly. Contact the professionals at Modern Pest Control to keep your household spider problem in check. We aren’t just dangerous spider experts – we're your local pest control neighbors! See for yourself by calling our Houston office at Modern Pest Control now. 

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