The Benefits Of Professional Flea And Tick Control For Your Cypress Property
Close up picture of a Tick

The Benefits Of Professional Flea And Tick Control For Your Cypress Property

Here in Cypress, several dangerous pests need to be prevented before they get too close. Wild animals, rodents, and mosquitoes are a few of the best-known species. However, one other subset of pests requires your attention this year: fleas and ticks.

Fleas are extremely tiny insects that feed on warm blood. In contrast, ticks are a species of arachnids that require blood meals to reproduce. Although these pests are slightly different in form, their function is very much the same. In all instances, these pests should be considered very dangerous and must not be allowed to infest your lawn under any circumstances.

Fleas are actually visible to the naked eye. They may appear to be tiny black dots scuttling around your pet, furniture, or upholstery. You may also be able to see the following characteristics:

  • ⅛ inch bodies

  • Six tiny legs

  • Reddish-brown carapaces

  • Rounded shapes

  • Large abdomens 

Ticks are much larger than fleas, up to 1/4 an inch to 1/2 an inch in size. There are hundreds of varieties of ticks found in the United States, with the most common species in Cypress including lone star ticks, brown dog ticks, and blacklegged deer ticks. Although each of these species sports slightly different characteristics, many of their attributes remain the same:

  • Eight legs that curve inward

  • Hard, dark-colored carapace

  • Tiny heads and large abdomens

  • Large sucking mouthparts

  • Pests about the size of a sesame seed 

Fleas and ticks are seen in almost every Cypress backyard, from residential buildings to commercial real estate. Despite this prevalence, it is imperative that you remove these pests from your property once and for all.

Let’s start by understanding the behaviors, habitats, and preferences of these blood-feeding pests.

The Behaviors, Habitats, And Preferences Of Fleas And Ticks

Fleas and ticks are both very different pests and perform their acts of feeding in very different ways. However, some of the ways they choose to infest and the problems they cause around our homes and businesses are very similar indeed.

Fleas are incredibly tiny, although the human eye can see them. These pests enjoy living in warm, moist places that provide a variety of places to hide. Some of their favorite locations are tall grasses, piles of leaves and rotting material, and shady meadows.

Ticks prefer living areas that are very similar to this and appreciate woodpiles, overgrown shrubs, and tall grasses where they can be warm, safe, and comfortable. While hunting for a host, ticks will crawl out to the edge of damp vegetation and wave their arms in a circular pattern. This is known as questing, and it will provide the tick with an opportunity to latch onto a passing host. Once the tick has found an appropriate host, it will latch to a warm body for several days to feed. The tick’s body will bloat as it feeds and eventually become several times larger than its original size. Ticks will fall off from their hosts once they have completed feeding and will begin the process of digesting and looking for a new host.

There are a few other dissimilarities to understand between these two biting pests. Fleas are generally ravenous pests and consume anywhere between 10 to 15 blood meals per day. On the other hand, ticks will feed on a single host over several days and are much less likely to feed on the same host multiple times. Interestingly, fleas prefer pets such as cats and dogs for their blood meals, as they can hide in their thick fur for many weeks without being spotted. In contrast, ticks enjoy human hosts due to their very warm bodies and the ease of latching.

Fleas and ticks have dissimilarities, but their feeding methods on unwitting humans and pets are almost identical. As you might imagine, this can lead to many different types of problems for unfortunate victims, especially health and wellness.

All The Problems Caused By Flea And Tick Activity

Fleas and ticks aren't just irritating pests around the home or garden. These are some of the most dangerous insects found worldwide.

Let's start with the flea. Fleas have been around almost as long as humans have been living in homes. These pests stay close to pets, people, and their properties and live underneath warm-blooded animals' fur to regularly feed on their skins. Of course, the flea’s ability to drink blood leads to significant health issues, notably the spread of disease.

Fleas have been associated with the spread of the black plague, an illness that was highly detrimental to the early settlers of the medieval world. Estimates suggest that the black plague eradicated anywhere between 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire world population. Today, the plague is far less common in biting fleas. Modern medicine has provided new ways of fighting the infection that is far less dangerous when providing a cure. However, instances of the black plague spreading to people and pets still result in a high mortality rate.

Ticks are also hazardous pests to see in the yard. Despite their bad reputations, not all ticks are capable of spreading disease. The risk factors associated with illness or disease are directly proportional to local infection rates, fluctuating according to season, temperature, and rainfall amounts. In Cypress, tick illness rates hover around the moderate category.

Some of the most common types of tick-borne illnesses include:

  1. Lyme disease

  2. Southern tick-associated rash illness (STARI) 

  3. Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) 

  4. Ehrlichiosis

  5. Tularemia 

One of the first signs of a tick infection is a bright red ‘bullseye.’ These markings appear around the bite’s puncture wound one to three days after the tick has fallen off. These markings may eventually begin to spread and give rise to a host of other symptoms. Headache, nausea, and high fever are just a few of the most common. If you suspect that you are experiencing the signs of tick-borne illness, please seek medical assistance immediately.

It's no secret that tick-borne illnesses, as well as flea bites, are some of the most concerning elements of a pest infestation. For this reason, it will be imperative to lower flea and tick populations around your Cypress yard as soon as possible.

How To Lower Flea And Tick Populations Around Your Cypress Yard

After your flea and tick treatment has been completed, you will want to reduce any further populations using prevention steps. Prevention is perhaps the most important method of protecting your home from future incursions and ensures that professional treatments have accomplished their task.

It's important to note that prevention alone is not enough to eliminate established flea and tick infestations. If there is a large population near your home, you should seek professional help from a company such as Modern Pest Control. If you have already received treatments or are looking to lower your risks before the active season, prevention steps may be right for you.

Below are some of the most popular methods of lowering flea and tick populations in Cypress and beyond:

  • Keep away any wildlife hosts that may be bringing biting pests near the property. Rats, opossums, deer, and other wild creatures such as raccoons may bring many fleas and ticks into the lawn. Make your home as disagreeable to wild animals as possible by draining water sources, removing fallen fruit or nuts, and trimming back any shrubs. For additional assistance, contact a wildlife control company such as Modern Pest Control.

  • Reduce the amount of humidity present in the lawn and home. Dehumidifiers and desiccant bags are excellent choices for indoor areas. Outside, take time to drain birdbaths, remove potholes, and otherwise repair chronically wet areas. A knowledgeable contractor should repair pipes or drains that are not flowing correctly.

  • Have the pets around your home assessed with a flea and tick treatment. There are many different forms available to try, from flea collars and topical creams to oral medications and injections. A trusted veterinarian may be able to provide the steps that are right for you.

  • Fleas and ticks are highly attracted to piles of detritus around the house. Do what you can to rake leaves frequently, weed often, and otherwise regularly remove stagnant organic material piles. If you have compost piles, flip these regularly to encourage aerobic decomposition. 

In terms of physical preparation, there are some things you can do immediately to prevent the accidental acquisition of fleas and ticks. First, it's an excellent idea to wear long-sleeved clothing even during the summer season. This will prevent fleas and ticks from crawling onto exposed skin and hiding in warm places. Next, be aware of potential hazards when venturing into hiking areas, long grasses, and other habitats that are sufficient for fleas and ticks. Finally, use some spray or chemical deterrent to keep fleas and ticks away from your body. Do not apply strong repellents directly to the skin, but instead spray them on clothing, shoes, and other external items

If you are still concerned about the potential hazards caused by biting pests and their diseases, flea and tick treatment may be the best option for you. Contact Modern Pest Control for a flea and tick control service at your earliest convenience.

Modern Pest Control Provides The Perfect Flea And Tick Control Experience

Since the beginning of our company's founding, Modern Pest Control has been dedicated to properly removing ticks and fleas all over the Cypress area. Backed by professional specialists with decades of experience in the industry, our team is more than qualified to eliminate infestations within a few simple treatments. We don't believe in providing anything less than our best, constantly looking for new treatment measures and exclusionary tactics to keep your home safer for longer.

Once you submit a contact form to our pest control providers, our company will immediately begin addressing your most burdensome pests. We begin our treatments in three distinctive steps:

  1. Our initial inspection checks your entire yard for signs of pest activity. This includes fleas, ticks nesting sites, and other symptoms of infestation. 

  2. As soon as the pest threat is discovered, our team can begin the process of establishing some solid treatment measures. We will carefully detail our plan with you and your family, making sure the treatments we choose will serve your lifestyle well. 

  3. We will begin the process of applying interior and exterior treatments to eliminate ticks and fleas. We are careful to use products that will not harm those you love, including older adults, children, and pets. 

The flea and tick treatment process is not the last part of our program. Once you have applied various protection measures post-application, we will return to your property to assess our treatment’s effect. If our pest control measures have failed to reduce pest populations effectively, we will return to retreat to your home as soon as possible.

When it comes to defending your home against flea and tick species, you deserve no less than the best. Defend your home in the way it matters with help from Modern Pest Control. Call, click, or visit our team today to start working on a home pest control treatment plan that's right for you. 

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