What Houston Homeowners Ought To Know About Indian Meal Moths
Indian Meal Moth crawling on the floor.

What Houston Homeowners Ought To Know About Indian Meal Moths  

It can’t be said enough that regular pest remediation is necessary. Creepy crawlers can sneak into your Houston residence and quickly multiply. Many can wreck the very structure of your abode, while others will ruin your belongings. Lots of them have bacteria that can make you ill. This can happen by direct transmission or contamination of food and surfaces. Indian meal moths are the type of bugs that can definitely spoil cuisine.
Indian meal moths, or pantry moths, are a disaster to have inside homes. If you read about them, it may spare you from the stress they bring and give you an understanding of where they come from, how they operate, and how to stop them. You can also learn about Modern Pest Control’s applicable services.

How Do You Get Indian Meal Moths? What Are the Dangers?

Indian meal moths are pretty tiny, being only 0.37 of an inch long. Their gray-colored wingspan is wider at 0.62 of an inch and they have brown or bronze tinting at the tips. The mixed shading is something that visually separates these bugs from other moths. Their larvae are yellow-green, cream, or pink, with brown heads. Commit this to memory, because the young are the ones that are most detrimental. 
While edible items are being boxed and distributed on factory production lines, Indian meal moths are seeping in and laying eggs. Industrial units that are humid will have severe issues with these insects, because the warmth supports their procreation. Larvae will feed as soon as they are born. Examples of matter they consume are:

  • Pet food
  • Spices
  • Grains
  • Flour
  • Dry goods
  • Fruit
  • Rice

Fortunately, Indian meal moths aren’t notorious carriers for disease and parasites. However, their infiltrations are still a problem because they taint food with their feces and webbing. These substances lead to the growth of mold and changes in flavoring. As you might guess, any fare they’ve infested shouldn’t be kept. The only signs of infestation you might experience are seeing the moths or their larvae. Adults bugs won’t localize in the kitchen; they are liable to fly to different rooms. Don’t mistake them for fabric pests. Another thing to remember is that they are attracted to dim lights.

How Can You Prevent Indian Meal Moths?

Since Indian meal moth invasions start in food processing centers, it might seem like there’s nothing you can do to avoid these insects. After all, you can’t dictate or design the management at a plant. You can manage what occurs inside your home though, as well as at the grocery store:

  • Be sure to regularly clean your pantries and cabinets. Be thorough by taking out all the contents, and washing the interiors. 
  • Inspect your goods for package damage and bugs. Throw away anything that is ripped or outdated. The same goes for pet food. 
  • When you’re at a retail store, examine shelf products before you buy them.
  • Patch up gaps in appliances, ceilings, and foundations securely.
  • Put all fare in plastic or glass containers with tight lids. It doesn’t matter if it’s for domestic animals or humans.

What Can Modern Pest Control Do About Indian Meal Moths?

The licensed technicians at Modern Pest Control have the expertise to handle the high-quality products and equipment used to eliminate Indian meal moths. Our staff is trained by the Food Industry Sanitation Auditors (FISA) and the American Institute of Baking (AIB) and they know just how to navigate these worrisome bugs. Our custom solutions are fast-acting and powerful, but they are safe for humans, pets, and personal effects. You won’t have to fret over making dinner again. Call Modern Pest Control today to get started with a no-obligation free inspection!

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