The Key To Effective Spider Control For Houston Homes
Black Widow Spider in its web outdoors.

The Key To Effective Spider Control For Houston Homes

Out of all the species of pests found in the Houston area, spiders may be some of the most misunderstood. These creatures are more or less harmless to people, pets, and their properties, and rarely if ever, will attack unprovoked.

This, of course, is not to say that spiders are completely harmless. These arachnids should never be a common sight around the home. If they are, it may be a warning sign for additional infestations to come.

As you are already aware, spiders are widespread pests here in Houston. Unlike other pest animals, which usually travel together or in small groups, the spider is a solitary hunter. These creatures have excellent eyesight and fast reflexes, allowing them to grab their prey in ambush-style hunts. Most species build webs to protect themselves and string up hapless prey, as sticky fibers trap smaller pests and restrict their movements. Others choose to run after their victims, much like lions or other large predators.

It is important to understand that spiders are not insects like beetles or ants. These creatures are classified as arachnids, placing them in the tick and scorpion families. Several characteristics set these  arachnids apart, including:

  • Joint legged frames

  • Eight legs

  • Exoskeletons

  • Cartilage deposits 

Although they aren’t necessarily dangerous per se, spiders have the innate ability to set our nerves on edge. Not only are they simply unsettling to look at, but their presence in the home could be a sign of additional pest infestations nearby.

Let’s evaluate the actual dangers of spider species in Houston, then discuss some preventative treatments that will help keep them at bay. 

Understanding The Dangers Of The Humble Houston Spider

There are dozens of different spider species common to Texas, many of which are entirely harmless to human health. Although all spider species have fangs and some form of venom, their attacks are only mild at best. Most spiders cannot even break the skin, making them little more than an occasional nuisance around the house.

Unfortunately, not all spider species are harmless creatures. There are two major deadly spiders to watch out for: the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider.

The following characteristics can identify black widow spiders:

  • Black widow spiders are shiny black in appearance. 

  • These spiders have segmented body parts with an extremely large abdomen. 

  • The male spiders are 3 to 10 millimeters in size, while females measure 13 millimeters in total. 

  • Black widows carry bright red symbols on their abdomens, which many describe as ‘hourglass’ in appearance. 

Brown recluse spiders, on the other hand, have an entirely different set of physical characteristics:

  • Brown recluse spiders are roughly 1/4 to 1/2 an inch in size. 

  • These spiders are covered in a layer of tan to brown bristles. 

  • Brown recluse spiders have an identifiable ‘fiddle’ shape on their abdomens. 

  • Brown recluse spiders have legs that are much longer than their abdomen and possess only six eyes. 

Although these physical attributes may seem straightforward, the fact is that the brown recluse and the black widow spider are some of the most misidentified arachnids in the world. The only way to correctly identify one of these deadly species is to rely on professional pest identification from the team at Modern Pest Control.

Both the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider carry deadly venom in their fangs. One bite is enough to cause significant health effects, sometimes leading to hospitalization. In some rare cases, spider bites may even lead to death.

Below are a few side effects from a deadly spider bite:

  • Sweating 

  • Nausea 

  • Vomiting 

  • Paralysis 

  • Swelling and pain 

If you believe that a deadly spider species have bitten you or someone you know, please contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

Why Spiders Infest Local Homes And Businesses

Spiders will not infest homes without reason. Your Houston home may have been targeted for one of several reasons.

Spiders require three fundamental factors to survive: food, water, and shelter like other living creatures. If your home meets each of these essential criteria, it may be acting as a spider hotspot for species of all kinds.

Spiders eat almost any species of insect that are smaller than them, including ants, flies, and beetles. As spiders are nomadic creatures, anywhere their food roams will be their new home. If your home has been experiencing excessive pest activity in recent months, it may be one of the primary reasons why spiders have decided to set up shop around your property.  

Spiders also appreciate areas of standing water and high humidity levels. Getting a drink from a leaky pipe or backed-up drain is the simplest way to invite a spider infestation nearby. What's more, water issues will likely attract other pest-prey creatures into the home, keeping spiders well-fed and happy.

Finally, spiders prefer to build their shelters in the home's quiet, dark, warm areas. Although they do not require constant heat to survive, the continual warmth will likely attract them inside during the cooler winter months. The corners of walls, windows, and crawl spaces are all spider hotspots for the majority of Houston properties.

If you have a spider problem burgeoning around your property, there’s a good chance that another pest problem is lurking nearby. Whether it's inside the house or near its perimeter, your risk factors for secondary infestations are high.

Spiders do not choose to move for no reason. However, if you suspect that there may be time to prevent a full-blown infestation from occurring, refer to the prevention steps below.

Spider Prevention Tips For Houston Homeowners

When dealing with a spider infestation in Houston, you must be aware of all potential factors that may be drawing them inside. This includes the presence of pest prey, which ranges from ants and beetles to grasshoppers and other spider species. You will need to treat the spider species and their potential pest prey as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, general pest prevention tips are simple to implement and highly effective in practice. If you have yet to apply some of these around your lawn, refer to the following steps:

  1. Start your home preventative treatments by addressing interior humidity levels. Pest prey creatures love a high moisture content, as well as any areas of pooling or dripping water. Start by repairing pipes and drains that may have cracks or sealing issues. Next, use a dehumidifier or set of desiccants to mop up extra moisture in chronic spaces. If you do not feel comfortable repairing pipes on your own, refer to a local specialist. 

  2. Pest prey creatures love having easy access to food sources, especially raw ingredients, fruits and vegetables, and open garbage bags. Do what you can to store food in glass or plastic containers, preferably with an airtight lid. Next, store fruits and vegetables off the counter and inside refrigerators or plastic bags. Finally, be sure to keep your garbage can closed at all times. 

  3. Remove trash from the home at least once per week, and remove smelly garbage twice as often. Turn compost piles frequently to eliminate any odors and enhance aerobic breakdown. As an additional side note, be careful not to add any proteins, oils, or fats into the mix.

Now that you have defended your property against potential pest prey, it is time to turn your attention to the spider species that may be building homes nearby. Although cutting off a spider's food supply is one of the best ways to keep them out, some additional tips may be helpful during the protection process.

  1. Spider species such as black widows prefer to nest in fallen wood and disorganized firewood stacks. Be sure to organize your wood carefully, and store it at least 25 feet away from the sides of the home. 

  2. Sweep away any spider webs that may have been built in the corners of windows, near doors, or by the home's foundations. Fewer spider webs will discourage arachnid species from nesting nearby. 

  3. Do what you can to trim back overgrown bushes, long tree branches, and tall grasses. Fewer spaces to hide in the yard will lead to fewer overall pests, keeping spider species at bay. 

  4. Entry points around the home should be sealed appropriately to reduce the probability of spider migrations. Cracks, gaps, and other small areas should be filled with some form of waterproof caulking. 

Spider prevention steps are a great way to defend your home against excess arachnid activity, as well as any unwanted pest prey. However, they are not necessarily a substitute for professional pest control treatments. If you suspect that spider infestations are affecting your home or business, consider reaching out to the professional team behind Modern Pest Control.

Modern Pest Control Eliminates Spiders Fast

As we've learned from this article, spider infestations are particularly rare. Although you are not likely to be overrun with these pests inside your home, any increase in spider activity could be cause for alarm. Their presence around the house may signal the infestation of other pest prey and even be a bad omen of things to come. If your Houston home is seeing heightened spider populations, or if you are concerned about potentially dangerous vectors, it will be time to take immediate action with a professional pest control company.

The knowledgeable spider control technicians at Modern Pest Control are armed with years of experience in the pest management industry. We've helped home and business owners alike find new ways of defending their properties from spiders, removing risk factors, and increasing long-term safety. Using a host of preventative treatments, eco-friendly solutions, and specialized evaluations, our spider control services are ranked as some of the best in the Houston region.

Check out our three-step process in removing spiders from your property:

  1. Every spider elimination service begins with identifying the species in question. Our technicians will check your property from top to bottom to evaluate the pest species giving you trouble. Once we have identified the source of the problem, we will immediately communicate our findings in a comprehensive, jargon-free report. 

  2. After all potential pest species have been identified, we will apply treatment services around your entire property. We use a combination of sprays and eco-friendly treatments to eliminate the spiders that are already in your home. Next, we address potential entry points and other access points with various forms of mitigation. We finalize our treatment services by providing helpful prevention advice for the future. 

  3. At Modern Pest Control, we understand that spiders can be challenging to eliminate in a single service. That's why we return to deliver a follow-up visit that evaluates and guarantees all spider treatment services. If you are not happy with the treatments you have received, or if the spider activity has not entirely been eliminated, we will return to your home right away.

Managing spider activity around the home is no easy task. If you are struggling with a secondary pest prey infestation, this could be even more troubling. That's why the best way to handle a spider infestation in Houston is to rely on the professional pest management of Modern Pest Control. Give us a call today to set up a spider inspection service, or chat with us online to discover more about what we do. Talk soon!

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