Help! I Can't Seem To Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks In My Katy, TX Home!
Flea on a pet's skin.

Help! I Can't Seem To Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks In My Katy, TX Home!

There are quite literally thousands of pests living in the Katy area. From insects to arachnids to mammals, there seems to be no end to the creatures that call Texas home. But the most dangerous kinds of pests are not the ones we can see: it's the ones we can't.

Small insects are by far some of the most dangerous and difficult to spot creatures in Katy. Small insects can slip into homes undetected, create extensive colonies, and even spread diseases without ever being seen. This largely includes two of the most victorious insects in Katie: fleas and ticks.

Fleas and ticks are very different pests, although their functions are relatively the same. Both of these creatures are classified as dangerous pests and are considered very dangerous around people, pets, and properties. Although fleas are technically insects, animals such as ticks are considered to be arachnids. This is clearly defined by their eight legs and multiple biting mouthparts.

Fleas have unique characteristics. Although you cannot see a flea with the naked eye, there are some general characteristics to keep in mind:

  • Fleas are unable to be seen without a microscope. They are extremely tiny and are slightly see-through up close. 

  • Insects like fleas are sometimes classified as external parasites. Due to their need to live in warm, populated areas, these insects rarely, if ever, will be found in the wild. 

  • Ctenocephalides felis, also known as the cat flea, is the most common flea species in Katy, TX. These fleas can live for long periods of time and attack cats, dogs, and humans. 

  • Fleas can feed on blood for almost two and a half hours without stopping. Female fleas, in particular, have been known to consume more than 15 times their weight in human blood. If left alone, fleas can survive on the human body for up to two straight months. 

Ticks are a very different type of creature native to Texas. Unlike fleas, these arachnids can actually be seen with the naked eye. Below are a few other characteristics you should keep in mind about these creatures:

  • Ticks are small and oval in shape, with eight curved legs and many segments. 

  • The body of the tick is tough and will expand or grow after feeding. 

  • Most tick species in Texas are brown, black, or reddish-tan in appearance. 

  • Ticks crawl near the warmest parts of your body to feed, including armpits, the back knee, center thighs, and more. 

Although fleas and ticks are very different pests, it’s important to understand how and why they choose to infest local Katy properties.

How And Why Fleas And Ticks Infest Homes

Both fleas and ticks follow a similar purpose: to feed on and consume as much blood as possible. This is why Katy homeowners are so concerned about what, how, and why these insects found their properties in the first place.

First and foremost, fleas and ticks are wild creatures. Unlike other types of bug-like insects, these creatures rely heavily on red blood to survive. Both fleas and ticks have been known to feed on birds, mammals, reptiles, and even some amphibians. They travel around with these wild creatures for several months before looking for new vectors, which could include yourself and your loved ones.

The carriers of fleas and ticks (usually wildlife creatures) will be more attracted to your home if key factors are present. These could include:

  • Large amounts of stagnant water, including birdbaths, fountains, potholes, ditches, or rain drains. 

  • There are plenty of trees and shrubbery to hide, especially when navigating the cooler fall and winter seasons. 

  • Access to your home or business, particularly in locations where they cannot be seen, heard, or spotted. 

  • Plenty of food sources, whether inside or out. These food sources could include garbage cans, compost piles, food spills, crumbs, orchard trees, berries, or pest-prey creatures. 

Even if you are doing your very best to keep the house clean and tidy, wandering wildlife creatures could bring fleas and ticks even closer to home.

Another place where you could bring home fleas and ticks is around National Parks or forests. Taking yourself or your pets on a walk may lead to acquired ticks and rogue fleas, which may come home with you.

Finally, creatures such as fleas can be found in areas with high populations. Public transportation areas, overnight lodgings, and secondhand furniture can all introduce fleas into your home.

Below are a few additional reasons why fleas and ticks create lasting infestations around Katy homes and businesses:

  • Once a female tick has consumed enough blood, it will lay an unbelievable number of eggs. This could fall anywhere between 3,000-6,000 unique babies! 

  • Fleas also reproduce abundantly, as many as 40 or 50 per day (2,000 eggs over a single lifetime). 

  • Creatures like fleas and ticks prefer to stay in the same area for long periods of time. In their minds, if the system is working, why change it? 

  • The lifecycle of a flea or tick is very short but particularly hard to snuff out entirely. Unless you can address these pests at all their maturation levels, you will not manage them effectively. 

Fleas and ticks are certainly some of the most dangerous creatures in Katy, TX. However, it’s their deleterious effects, not their infestation habits, that has home and business owners worried.

The Dangers Created By Katy Fleas And Ticks

The fleas and ticks in the Katy area are nothing to shake a stick at. Although they may not look huge, their impact on our homes or businesses can be catastrophic.

Both of these parasitic pests can slip into buildings or near people undetected. Flea bites take some time to mature into an itch, while ticks release local anesthesia to numb any discomfort. This numbing process makes it difficult, if not impossible, to spot pests until it is too late.

Both fleas and ticks have been associated with serious illnesses over the years. After decades of expert research, studies have concluded that fleas and ticks are responsible for some of the most dangerous diseases in modern America.

Below is a list of the most common flea diseases in Katy, TX:

  • Plague 

  • Flea-borne typhus 

  • Cat scratch disease (CSD) 

  • Parasites and their eggs (particularly tapeworms) 

Here is a list of tick-borne illnesses found in the area:

  • Lyme Disease 

  • Babesiosis 

  • Anaplasmosis 

  • Ehrlichiosis 

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) 

  • Borrelia miyamotoi Disease 

  • Powassan Virus Disease 

Both fleas and ticks cause bites that lead to eventual itching or scratching. These bites have the potential to bleed when itched or contract secondary infestations if not properly cared for. In addition, both of these creatures can spread serious illnesses with just a single bite.

It is important to note that not every flea and tick in the Katy, TX area will transmit illness. In fact, only a particular percentage of the population has the ability to spread disease after a bite. However, it would be best if you treated bites by both creatures with respect and caution. If you think or know that you have been attacked by either one of these insects or feel any concerning signs or symptoms, promptly seek medical attention.

Some warning signs after a flea or tick bite include:

  • Nausea or vomiting 

  • Hair loss 

  • Fever or increased temperature 

  • Headaches 

  • Fatigue or weakness 

  • Muscle pains 

Prevention is likely the best possible way to keep your family safe from flea and tick populations. Let’s look at the tips, tricks, and prevention methods available for Katy, TX property owners.

Prevention Steps For Flea And Tick Infestations

Like many of the other pests in Katy, Texas, prevention is always the best protection. Keeping your home clean and clear of pest activity is the best way to prevent infestations from appearing out of nowhere. If you think that fleas or ticks will be a problem, these prevention steps are for you.

Here are a few steps that Modern Pest Control recommends for lowering the flea and tick populations of your yard:

  1. Do what you can to deter unwitting wildlife hosts from the property. Creatures such as rats, mice, raccoons, possums, and deer can transmit fleas and ticks from place to place. Make your backyard habitat as hostile as possible while removing standing water, tall vegetation, and any food sources. Be sure that your garbage bins are sealed up tightly. If you do own a compost pile, turn it frequently to promote proper breakdown and aeration.

  2. Beyond simple lawn prevention, you will also want to prevent yourself from picking up fleas and ticks while outside. Wear long-sleeved clothing whenever possible. Tuck your pants into your socks to create a barrier against questing ticks. Wear hats while outside or in wooded areas. Finally, wear gloves and a long-sleeved shirt when reaching into tall grass or shrubbery. For additional protection, you could opt to spray flea repellents or chemicals on yourself or others.

  3. All indoor and outdoor pets should be treated against fleas and ticks. There are many methods available, all of which can be found over-the-counter or through a veterinarian. Flea collars, ointments, tablets, and body washes can be purchased in many locations. Please speak with a local veterinarian for more insights.

  4. On-going professional assistance is perhaps the best method of maintaining control over parasitic pests in the lawn or garden. Professional companies such as Modern Pest Control are fully equipped to start applying abatements to your property.  

Manual prevention steps are an excellent first line of defense against parasitic insects. Not only do they stop pests from infesting, but they can keep insects from scouting out your property in the first place. However, prevention steps may not always be enough on their own. That’s why Modern Pest Control is the best solution to your burgeoning flea and tick problems.

Flea And Tick Management Is Easy With Modern Pest Control

Modern Pest Control is proud to be one of the biggest voices in pest mitigation and prevention for homeowners in Katy, Texas. Established in 1952, our founders strongly believed in the future of pest innovation and the new treatments and techniques that would come along with it. That’s why all of our service technicians are highly trained professionals with the experience and skills needed to secure your property.

All flea and tick abatement services from our incredible team are portioned into three simple steps. The moment we receive a call from you or your family, we’ll be ready to respond at a moment’s notice with these procedures:

  1. Every one of our flea and tick treatments begins with an overarching home inspection. We investigate your property from top to bottom, leaving no stone unturned. We investigate the yard, fence line, and garden spaces. Finally, we culminate our findings into an actionable report for your review.

  2. Our treatment program begins with a one-on-one conference directly with you. We will discuss all recommended actions and treatment services, as well as any alternatives we could provide. You have the option to pick and choose the strategy that is right for you. Once we have established your needs, we can proceed with our services.

  3. Finally, our services will be applied to your lawn, home, and garden. Our incredible pest-free guarantee will kick in directly after your visit. If fleas or ticks are becoming active again on your property, we will be there to treat them - on our dime! 

Discover the future of pest management with the crew at Modern Pest Control. Contact us today for more advice or assistance related to fleas, ticks, and more.

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