How Do I Get Rid Of Centipedes In My Houston Home?
Close up picture of a Centipede

How Do I Get Rid Of Centipedes In My Houston Home?

Centipedes are creepy-looking creatures that can cause immediate fear in anyone who looks at them. While it can be alarming to see these scary-looking bugs in your home, having several centipedes hanging around your home is usually a sign of a much bigger problem.

If you are seeing centipedes around your property or in your home, you should get the help of a professional Houston pest control specialist as soon as possible. At Modern Pest Control, we can not only help you get rid of the centipedes in your home, but we can also help you find out why you have a centipede infestation in the first place. 

What Are Centipedes? 

Many people mistakenly think that centipedes are insects. However, they are actually a type of myriapod. The animals in the myriapod family typically have longer bodies and more legs than insects. 

Centipedes have a unique appearance. They have thin, worm-like bodies that can measure anywhere from ⅛ of an inch all the way up to 6 inches long. However, unlike worms, these creatures have several legs. The word centipede translates to "hundred legs." And while no centipede has exactly 100 legs, it's not uncommon to see one with more than 100 legs. Centipedes can have anywhere from 15 to 177 legs depending on the species. They also usually have dark brown bodies, but some types of centipedes have lighter-colored bodies that are tan or yellow. Centipedes also have a pair of long antennae sprouting from its head. On its tail-end, two hind legs point backward and are often confused for antennae. By their mouths are two venomous claws that they use to pinch and bite their prey. 

Is It Dangerous To Have Centipedes Around My House?

Centipedes in Houston are insectivores that will hunt and eat almost any small insect. To subdue their prey, they will use their claw-like pincers to grab the insects and inject venom into their bodies. While the venom is strong enough to kill the insect immediately, it usually isn't strong enough to harm humans. 

If a centipede bites you, the venom will usually cause severe pain and some localized swelling. Typically, these symptoms will go away on their own. However, some people are allergic to the centipede's venom and can experience anaphylaxis or another severe allergic reaction when stung. 

How Can I Prevent Centipedes In My House?

Centipedes are attracted to food, moisture, and shelter. While they prefer to live outdoors, they will come into your home if they cannot get these three necessities out in the wild. Some of the things that you can do to prevent centipedes from coming inside your home include:

  • Keep your bathroom, basement, and other humid or moist areas of your home well-ventilated
  • Remove any old leaf piles, grass clipping, or fallen tree branches from your yard
  • Avoid placing decorative rocks around your home
  • Look for any small cracks or gaps around your home and seal them with a durable sealant

If a centipede's body becomes too dry, it will dehydrate and die. The only way they can survive and thrive is if they have a high level of moisture. By eliminating any humidity and moisture around your home, you will be less likely to see centipedes in your basement and other areas. 

How Do I Get Rid Of Centipedes In My House?

If you are seeing centipedes around your home, it could mean that you have a moisture or insect problem on your property. At Modern Pest Control, we can get to the bottom of your centipede problem and eliminate all potential causes. Give us a call today for a free quote and see how we can quickly get rid of centipedes in your Houston home.

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