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The Ultimate Guide To Mosquito Control: Tips And Tricks For Your Property In The Woodlands

The Ultimate Guide To Mosquito Control: Tips And Tricks For Your Property In The Woodlands

Mosquitoes are common pests in The Woodlands. But, as common as they are, most residents still struggle to control them. The reason for the frustration is that mosquitoes have mysterious behavior patterns. If you don't understand how they behave, why they're in your yard, and why they want to bite you, you'll have a hard time getting rid of them. Our goal today is to help remove the mystery surrounding mosquitoes in The Woodlands and help you tackle mosquito problems on your property. We'll tell you the basic facts you need to address mosquito breeding sites in your yard. We'll tell you what mosquitoes do when they enter your yard. And, most importantly, we'll tell you why DIY mosquito control often fails and how you can do it differently to achieve the results you want. As always, remember that your Modern Pest Control team is here to assist you at any step in the process. Whether you need a professional mosquito treatment to correct a current problem or you want proactive control, we have the service options to get the job done. Check out our mosquito control page to learn more.     

Mosquito Or Not? How To Identify Them At A Glance

Most people know what mosquitoes look like. So, even though there are flies that look like mosquitoes, you probably won't have a hard time telling them apart from mosquitoes. But, what you might not know how to identify is mosquito larvae. And you will want to recognize them. Why? Because mosquito larvae don't bite but, if left alone, they develop into adult mosquitoes that take to the air and drive you crazy in your yard. The adult mosquitoes are the mosquitoes that bite you. If you catch them early, you can stop that from happening.

What do you imagine a mosquito larva looks like? Do you imagine a tiny mosquito? If so, you have the wrong picture in your mind. Do you imagine tiny white maggots, like house fly offspring? That's not quite right either. When mosquitoes hatch from their eggs, they look like little wiggly worms. These worms are large enough for you to see. A female mosquito will lay over 50 eggs at a time. If you see a bucket of stagnant water with a bunch of little wiggly worms in it, you've found yourself a mosquito infestation. In that wiggler stage, those mosquitoes can't harm you, but they're not going to stay wiggly worms forever. They'll develop into pupae (called tumblers) and eventually emerge from the water as adults. You can prevent this development by pouring the water source out onto the ground. Those wigglers and tumblers will lay on the ground, dry out in the Texas sun, and no longer present a threat to you. It is a simple solution that will get you on your way to making your yard feel less like a cloud of mosquitoes.

Another fact to understand about mosquitoes is that when adult mosquitoes take to the air, only the females pose a threat to you and others on your property. Male mosquitoes don't bite people at all. They only eat nectar. Female mosquitoes need nutrients from your blood to nourish their eggs though they also feed on nectar. They feed on nectar for general sustenance and survival, only taking a blood meal when they're ready to create eggs and reproduce. Keep that in mind when one bites you and escapes. That irritating little pest that just left an itchy wound on your skin is about to create more than 50 more mosquitoes in your yard, and many of those new mosquitoes are going to be females capable of making more itchy wounds on your skin. It is an ongoing cycle. Mosquitoes continually search for food, breeding sites, and opportunities to reproduce. They don't have other things to occupy their time like humans do. 

The ultimate solution for mosquito control is to find a way to break this cycle of mosquito development on your property and stop mosquitoes from growing a large population in your yard. If correct methods and products are used, it is possible to stop development so severely that it can feel as though you don't have any mosquitoes in your yard at all. We'll talk about how this works in a moment. First, let's take a quick look at why it is so important to address mosquitoes in your yard and reduce their numbers.    

Mosquito Dangers: Itchy Bites, Allergic Reactions And Diseases

When adult mosquitoes bite you, you know what to expect. There are few who have not felt the bite of a mosquito in The Woodlands. So, you're familiar with the fact that those mosquito bites turn into puffy, itchy welts. But, what you might not know is why the welts swell up and start to itch, or how to quickly treat those welts to reduce the symptoms. You may also have little or no idea of how mosquitoes spread viruses. That is something worth knowing a bit about. We'll cover all of these topics in this section.

Itchy Bites: A mosquito bite swells up, develops a rash, and starts to itch due to the reaction your body has to the allergens in the mosquito's saliva. When your body detects these allergens, it sends histamine to the bite wound. The result is inflammation, which produces the three common side effects: swelling, rash, and itching. You can reduce the symptoms by addressing the histamines and the conditions that are produced by those histamines. Apply something cold to bring down the swelling. Just as with any form of swelling, cold or heat can help reduce inflammation. Clean the bite to remove some of the allergens or to partially address viral agents. Apply an anti-itch cream, such as hydrocortisone or pramoxine. Consider taking an antihistamine tablet to reduce histamine activity in your body. Keep in mind that you're dealing with an allergy, and most allergy medication provides general support for your immune system and helps to reduce histamine. Be sure to consult your physician to decide on the best options for your physiology.

Viruses: It is likely you know that mosquitoes can spread dangerous viruses. But it is critical to understand a few facts about these viruses so that you are better able to guard your health and the health of your family.

  • Mosquitoes aren't born with viruses. They acquire them.
  • Mosquitoes get viruses from infected animals or humans.
  • All mosquito-borne viruses that impact human health are zoonotic, which means they are transmitted from animals to humans. 
  • Mosquito-borne viruses that occur annually in the United States are found in local animal populations.
  • Mosquito-borne viruses that only occur during outbreaks are found only in animal populations outside the United States.
  • The most common endemic virus spread by mosquitoes in the United States is the West Nile virus, the symptoms of which can range from mild to severe. 
  • Not all mosquitoes are able to spread all mosquito-borne viruses.
  • The mosquitoes that spread West Nile virus are Culex sp. 
  • The mosquitoes that spread malaria are Anopheles sp.
  • The mosquitoes that spread yellow fever, dengue fever, and Zika virus are Aedes sp. Aedes aegypti is the most dangerous of the species, and they are found in southern states, including Texas. 
  • Some mosquitoes can't spread viruses at all. It is possible to have many of these in your yard.
  • Mosquitoes aren't just responsible for transmitting viruses; they can spread other things, such as heartworms to dogs. Therefore, it is best to not have any mosquitoes in your yard.
  • Most sickness caused by mosquitoes in the United States is not life-threatening.
  • A symptom to watch for when you experience flu-like symptoms is a headache. The majority of endemic viruses in the United States cause encephalitis, including the West Nile virus. 

The good news is that not every mosquito bite will spread disease; the bad news is that it's impossible to tell which mosquitoes are carrying these pathogens. While your risks are low, it is best to take steps to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard if you can. Let's look at some of the misconceptions related to DIY mosquito control and how to get the best results.         

The Key To Mosquito Control: Proactive Measures For Prevention

Mosquitoes are common pests in our yards, and we're sure that you have tried ways to get rid of them already. Perhaps you've done some research and looked for things that repel mosquitoes. Have you tried candles, torches, coils, or smoke from a fire? Have you tried applying repellent to your body? Have you tried planting mosquito-repellent vegetation? If you've tried any of these things, you know that they don't work well. If you want to keep mosquitoes away and guard yourself against bites, repellents aren't the answer. The secret is to focus on preventing mosquitoes from being active in your yard. You do this by attacking two key factors.

Breeding Sites: Remember the stagnant water with the wigglers in it? The first step is to remove resources like this from your yard. If you don't have containers collecting rainwater, you won't have to pour them out to get rid of the mosquito larvae. Do an inspection and find every stagnant water resource and take steps to address them.

Mosquito Attractants: Before mosquitoes lay eggs in your yard, they need a reason to be in your yard. While human activity can lead to mosquito activity, it is far more likely that mosquitoes will work their way into your yard because it provides a food source. Both male and female mosquitoes eat nectar and plant sap. You can use this little-known fact about mosquitoes to significantly deter them. Address weeds in your lawn and landscaping to reduce vegetation and sources of nectar. While you're at it, address mosquitoes as well. Mosquitoes dry out easily, and they aren't going to want to live on a property that is too dry. Two ways to keep the vegetation dry around your home are to clean out gutter clogs and to water your plants in the early morning.  

Do you see how effective management of breeding sites and attractants can reduce mosquitoes and prevent bites? Now let's look at some of the ways your pest management professional helps you address these two key areas.  

Professional Mosquito Control: A Smart Idea For Your Property

While you have some control over the habitat around your home, and you can deter mosquitoes from living on your property, it pays to get professional assistance. A pest management professional uses control materials to achieve the best results. 

  • Modern Pest Control offers monthly treatments between March and November to knock down adult mosquitoes on your property. Having these routine treatments is like continually flicking a reset button on mosquito populations in your yard.
  • Our plant-borne products with Multiple Mode of Action provide control for all stages of life, including eggs and larvae. That means you don't have to worry about eggs or larvae surviving your routine treatments and quickly harassing you in your yard. 
  • The product we use is odorless, which means you don't have to put up with a bad smell just have relief from mosquitoes. 
  • Our products also help to control other pests, including spiders and a range of crawling insects.

Want to learn more about professional mosquito control in The Woodlands or request a technician pay you a visit? It is super easy to get started. Our contact us page is a stress-free way to ask questions, learn about services in The Woodlands, and decide on a plan that is best for your family and your property. We look forward to showing you how the Modern Pest Control team stands out from the competition. Connect with us today.

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