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What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Silverfish In Katy Homes?
Close up picture of a Silverfish

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Silverfish In Katy Homes?

The warm, humid climate here in Katy and other cities throughout the Gulf Coast region allows many types of pests that plague homes and businesses to thrive. Insects are among the most problematic pests that belong to the class Insecta. Some of the characteristics of insects include having bodies composed of segments, pairs of appendages (legs), and external skeletons called exoskeletons. 

Among the most commonly encountered insects in this region include flies, moths, beetles, mosquitoes, ants, and several types of stinging insects. Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) is a somewhat less-common type of insect that often enters homes during periods of extreme weather. Contrary to what their name suggests, silverfish are not aquatic creatures; however, they have a silver, scaly appearance, and many commonly perceive their movements as being “fish-like.” 

Historical data indicates that silverfish and other “bristletail” insects are primitive creatures, as some of the fossils found date back to millions of years ago. 

Has your home suddenly become infested with silverfish? Too many local property owners mistakenly attempt do-it-yourself methods of treatment after recognizing that pests have infiltrated their homes. While these efforts usually have good intentions by resourceful people, they often create only short-term benefits with very mediocre results. 

For example, some homeowners will search the internet and discover fabled home remedies, which are generally farfetched and ineffective. Some people will visit local home improvement retailers and purchase sprays, traps, granular formulas, and other mass-marketed pest control options that feature clever marketing strategies. Often touted as “quick and easy” or “recommended by leading pest control professionals,” many store-bought products simply frustrate homeowners. 

Many of the retail products in the market today could also pose possible health risks. For example, the proper application methods are often confusing, and these products might have exposure to different household cleaning products or building materials that could generate harmful interactions. Many chemical formulas, snap traps, or sticky traps may also potentially harm pets or small children.  

An experienced Katy pest control professional understands the most effective options for silverfish treatment and the best ways of preventing future invasions involving silverfish and similar pests. Those who choose professional treatment will most likely experience a swift resolution to existing problems and gain an understanding of the importance of limiting attractants, implementing basic exclusionary measures, and promptly addressing routine maintenance concerns, which is a proven formula for keeping their home pest-free. 

What Is A Silverfish?

Silverfish usually appear silver, and people often describe their body shape as “carrot-like.” They typically measure about ¾ of an inch long without including their tail. Silverfish are wingless creatures with six legs and antennae and move their body awkwardly—yet surprisingly fast. Being largely nocturnal, homeowners will rarely encounter silverfish during the day when these creatures typically remain hidden.

What do silverfish eggs look like on your property? After reaching adulthood, female silverfish might produce hundreds of eggs in their lifetime. You will usually find the eggs in clusters positioned in cracks or voids, and they initially appear white but soon develop a yellowish appearance. Young silverfish (nymphs) emerge from eggs appearing as miniature versions of adults. Unlike some similar creatures, silverfish do not transition through a larval phase of development. 

Firebrats (Thermobia domestica) also belong to the order Thysanura and are bugs similar to silverfish commonly misidentified by those with limited knowledge of these pests. Silverfish and firebrats are sometimes both referred to as “bristletails” because of their appendages that extend from the rear of their bodies. While silverfish seek environments with cool and damp conditions, conversely, firebrats prefer warmer conditions. 

Silverfish and firebrats typically measure about the same length, and both move quickly. Unlike the silver appearance of the silverfish, firebrats are a darker, brownish color. 

Do silverfish make noise? In most cases, silverfish activity remains inaudible to humans. 

Are silverfish prey for other creatures? Yes. Reports indicate that house centipedes, spiders, and earwigs consume silverfish. 

Is it Dangerous To Have Silverfish In My House?

Are silverfish harmful pests? Silverfish may damage personal belongings such as paper products, including books and wallpaper, or articles of clothing or upholstery. Silverfish also may contaminate food sources such as when they enter cupboard or pantry areas and infiltrate boxes of flour, cereal, pet foods, or types of starchy dried foods and leave feces. As pests that shed their skin (molt), silverfish may contribute to poor indoor air quality that irritates those with allergies.  

Do silverfish bugs bite humans? The “jaw” of a silverfish generally lacks the strength needed for biting humans, and these pests are primarily a nuisance. 

How Do Silverfish Get Into Homes?

Silverfish reside in natural, outdoor areas such as in residential settings. They prefer hiding in areas with ample moisture and darkness, such as beneath rocks, fallen trees, mulch, or other thick vegetation or debris. Cracks or voids that develop around the exterior area near the foundation of a home or building might offer conditions that silverfish find attractive and could serve as entry points inside.   

Silverfish will commonly roam great distances seeking an environment that affords them a steady source of food and have demonstrated an ability to survive for weeks without it. After finding a suitable location, silverfish generally will remain near this site. Silverfish also require environments where the humidity level is at least 70%. 

Historically, many people have chosen wood shake roofs or wood shingle roofs composed of cedar, pine, or redwood. Unfortunately, shake roofs often appeal to silverfish because moisture is plentiful as well as cellulose, dead insects, and types of molds. Those with shake roofs should consider cleaning and sealing them every couple of years as a preventative measure that should limit the presence of silverfish. 

From roof areas, silverfish will identify a point of entry, and homeowners might see them entering through soffits, skylights, or other upper areas of a structure. Silverfish are also surprisingly good climbers that will use any objects close to a home’s exterior to access points of entry, including gaps around window frames, openings for utility lines, or exterior vents. Exterior doors often have a small opening near the base that silverfish will navigate through and access a home’s interior. 

Homeowners might inadvertently bring silverfish inside their homes within cardboard boxes, firewood, or other cartons retrieved from garages or storage areas. Typically, small, localized infestations that occur indoors indicate that someone accidentally brought these pests inside via a container of some sort. In contrast, infestations throughout a home suggest that bugs from the exterior enter through openings to the interior. 

Silverfish will invade many structures other than homes, such as offices, retail locations, libraries, and museums. Once indoors, breeding sites might include interior walls or areas below floors. Among the most common areas where homeowners encounter silverfish include crawlspaces, attics, laundry rooms, and bathrooms. 

Homeowners that experience a silverfish infestation recognize the importance of taking measures that prevent further intrusions; therefore, you should understand what draws these creatures to a property. What are silverfish attracted to around your home? Some of the most common attractants include: 

  • Dried foods such as flour or cereal in pantries will likely attract silverfish; therefore, food stored in weak packaging materials is susceptible, making glass or hard plastic a better choice. 

  • Plumbing leaks will attract silverfish, such as leaky faucets in kitchens or bathrooms, pipes located below sinks, or damaged seals on appliances such as dishwashers or icemakers. 

  • Moisture may also accumulate in crawlspace areas that lack adequate ventilation or from a water intrusion that results from clogged gutters or downspouts. 

What are some of the typical signs of silverfish activity indoors? Look for tiny holes in fabrics or upholstered furniture. Silverfish often leave yellow stains on objects or feces that appear black and “pellet-like.” 

Keep in mind the importance of minimizing clutter in all areas of the home. As with many of the most common household pests, silverfish gravitate toward these areas that provide hiding spots and potential breeding sites.

How Do I Get Rid Of Silverfish In My Home?

Are you facing a silverfish infestation? After contacting Modern Pest Control, one of our experienced technicians will visit the property, perform a thorough assessment of the premises, identify the nature of the problem and any likely points of entry, and determine the best option for safe and effective treatment. In addition to eradicating existing silverfish from the home, we also understand the leading silverfish preventionmethods that will significantly reduce the likelihood of experiencing subsequent invasions from these undesirable pests. 

Since founding the organization back in 1952, the professionals with Modern Pest Control have continually achieved positive results when supporting local home and business owners struggling with pest-related problems. As a truly comprehensive, full-service provider, we will safely and efficiently treat infestations involving ants, rodents, termites, and many other unwanted creatures that enter homes. As the majority of local property owners would agree, protecting your home investment is a priority; therefore, when pest intrusions occur, seeking assistance from a well-trained professional is the best course of action.

Did you know that Modern Pest Control is now a certified QualityPro service provider? Professional pest control companies that achieve the QualityPro designation demonstrate excellence across a wide variety of critical areas recognized in the industry. The certification is not merely evidence of compliance with the baseline or minimally acceptable standards but is an indication that an organization exceeds the norm as outlined by state and federal guidelines and regulations. 

The Foundation for Professional Pest Management is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization that emerged in 2004 as a pioneer that established the best business practices for those operating in all areas of this industry. As an independent group supported by pillars in the U.S. pest control industry, such as the National Pest Management Association (N.P.M.A.), they have now certified more than 500 companies. In recent years, QualityPro recognition emerged as the standard throughout the Canadian pest control market as well. 

The QualityPro accreditation confirms that a company adheres to professionalism and expects the same from its employees. This is evident as applicants must provide verifiable references, pass a detailed background check, and maintain a safe driving record. Companies that comply with QualityPro standards maintain a drug-free workplace environment and expect that all employees demonstrate a professional appearance. 

Companies that achieve QualityPro standards are accountable and focused on safety. These industry leaders maintain a minimum of 1 million dollars in liability coverage for any possible injuries, damage that occurs to the property, accidents that result in contamination of the physical environment, and more. 

Another commitment that Modern Pest Control maintains involves operating according to the principles of Integrated Pest Management (I.P.M.). 

The I.P.M. strategies recognize that effective pest treatment and resilient pest prevention should always coincide with goals that include eco-friendly operations that strive for long-term sustainability. I.P.M. achieves this balance through methods of habitat manipulation or modification, controlling biological variables, and being receptive to the latest advancements. 

Pesticides are tools that have traditionally remained at the core of the pest control industry. Fortunately, in today’s environment, I.P.M. principles acknowledge the risks associated with some chemical agents and formulas. Safe operations must remain a priority for the protection of human health, plant life, and nontarget organisms that are often victims of collateral effects.  

I.P.M. is a leader in exploring the biological environment, such as the impact of pathogens, predators, and parasites. Cultural control methods identify why certain pests choose particular environments and how areas may support wildlife without impeding economic interests such as agriculture. 

It continues embracing natural methods whenever possible. For example, managing weeds using mulch and alternatives, using steam as a means of sterilization that prevents diseases, and creative strategies for protecting organisms that are vital parts of the natural food chain. 

Homeowners in Katy can rely on a team of well-equipped technicians from Modern Pest Control for safe and effective home pest control solutions. Contact our office today for a consultation. Remember to ask about our ongoing, year-round pest protection plans that will keep your property pest-free. 

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