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Springtail Control Made Easy: Expert Advice And Prevention Strategies For Houston Homes
Close up picture of a springtails

Springtail Control Made Easy: Expert Advice And Prevention Strategies For Houston Homes

There is usually something you can learn about insects just by their common names. The springtail is a great example. As you can probably guess, a springtail insect has a spring, and it's in its tail. It springs through the air using a unique structure called the furcula. The furcula springs down and launches the insect forward at a 45° angle, causing it to tumble backward. It can launch itself off the ground and lift off the water's surface.

Another clue from its name is that these pests are most commonly a problem during the spring. Like all insects in your yard, they become more active as the temperatures warm up. Apart from these two helpful facts derived from their name, they are somewhat mysterious pests.

When you find these insects in your yard or your home, you will likely have questions. Hopefully, you'll find answers to most of your questions right here, particularly if they are questions about prevention and control. We here at Modern Pest Control are, after all, an industry-leading pest control service provider. Knowing how to control pests is our thing.

Join us today as we look at the behavior patterns and habits of springtails, why they cause problems for Houston homeowners, and how to prevent them. If you need professional assistance, we're here to help. Your Modern Pest Controlservice team knows all about these tiny and annoying pests. Contact us at any time for springtail control in Houston.

Understanding Springtails: Insight Into Their Behavior And Habits

Another common name given to springtails is "snow fleas." The snow portion of the name lets you know that these insects are active even on the coldest Houston days. But, while active throughout the year, they are more abundant in spring. The flea portion of the name has to do with that spring we mentioned earlier. When springtails present themselves, some Houston residents think they have a scary number of fleas. The springing behavior is one reason. Another is that a springtail is only about 1/16 of an inch long, so it's sometimes difficult to make out its visual characteristics. They also tend to be black. Since fleas are also a dark color, it is possible to confuse the two insects with each other.

One way to easily tell springtails and fleas apart is by seeing lots of them springing around in a pile. Springtails can grow a large population when conditions are ideal. Sometimes, they gather in layers that are several inches thick. Some populations reach numbers of up to 100,000. Fleas won't ever exhibit this behavior or grow populations this large. A flea emerges from its cocoon and immediately attempts to jump onto a host animal. You may find it hopping around on the ground or floor if it misses, but that is not its preference.

When springtails get into a house, they don't do well. They have a high moisture requirement and won't survive for long in most homes. A persistent springtail presence indicates a moisture problem. We'll examine moisture problems in a moment and offer some tips to help you target the reason springtails are coming into your home.

Springtails can float on water, which is why some people cultivate them and use them as a natural food source in aquariums. If you have a pond or other water source on your property, it can inspire a springtail issue and lead to these insects ending up in your home.

Along with moisture, springtails need food for survival. They feed on mold, algae, mildew, fungi, decaying plant matter, animal waste, and pollen. They'll also eat decomposing animals. If an animal dies under a structure, it can result in a springtail infestation.

You'll find springtails living underneath leaf litter, in soil, underneath bark, in organic mulch, on the surface of pool water, under logs, and in association with gardens, landscape vegetation, and greenhouses. If you have a mushroom cellar, these insects can create a considerable nuisance as they feed on the fungi and prefer areas with the environmental conditions required for mushroom cultivation.

All of these facts are helpful to know as they provide insights into why you may find springtails in your home and how springtail pest control might work to get rid of them. We'll give you some specific examples of springtail prevention in a moment, but let's quickly address the biggest question we get about springtails. "Are springtails harmful to plants or people?"

The Springtail Nuisance: Why Are They A Problem?

When springtails get into a home, Houston residents quickly look for ways to control them. While they look like fleas, they don't bite like fleas. Springtails are completely harmless to humans. But they aren't harmless to your plants. They feed on the roots and leaves of plants, particularly seedlings. As they feed, they can cut off the nutrients from the soil into your plants, leaving small holes in the leaves. Maintaining strong plant health in the vegetation next to your home can help prevent an infestation within your house.

The reason springtails are a problem, and why you'll want to get rid of these pests as quickly as possible, is their ability to make you feel uneasy. There are many ways they do this:

  • Their springing and jumping can catch your eye and draw your attention.
  • Their presence in your house can lead some to believe it is unclean, and that is annoying because these pests can get into the cleanest of homes.
  • Their sheer numbers can be alarming.

Now that you know what to expect when springtails infiltrate your home, we can now focus on how to keep them out. Let's look at natural methods that work well to prevent springtail infestations.

Springtail Prevention: Sealing Entry Points And Moisture Control

The best way to consider springtail prevention is to take it one step at a time, starting with how springtails enter your yard. We'll move across your yard, over your perimeter, and through your walls, providing tips to counteract the natural way springtails encroach at each point. Let's begin:

  • When a portion of your yard sinks down, it can collect rainwater, and the ground can stay saturated. If the water cannot soak into the soil, it will create a puddle. Springtails love puddles like these. To deal with a problem like this, you may want to install a drainage system, aerate the soil, detach your lawn, and address broken sprinklers.
  • When springtails move across your yard, they'll be more successful if there is leaf litter on your lawn. Therefore, we recommend removing leaves in the fall to deter springtails in the spring.
  • When springtails get near your home, they will love finding damp conditions because dampness leads to mold, mildew, algae, and other food sources. You can reduce perimeter dampness by cleaning your gutters, removing weeds from the vegetation next to your house, cutting the grass, and trimming your plants.
  • When springtails get into the landscape vegetation next to your home, they will do well by feeding on seedlings. But you don't want them to find unhealthy plants with leaf mold. Maintain healthy and strong plants by watering them in the early morning and only giving them the water they need for success.
  • When springtails live in your landscaping, they'll want to find leaves. We recommend blowing leaves out of your vegetation. They'll also love finding dead branches and organic plant debris, so clean these up. Lastly, it is important to avoid over-mulching your landscaping. Two to three inches is the recommended depth for mulch and steer away from organic mulches.
  • When springtails live near your home, they'll want to find a shaded spot, such as a void underneath a structure. If you have leaves, sticks, or construction wood under the structure, the space will be more attractive to springtails.
  • When springtails explore your exterior, you want them to avoid finding a route into your home. They'll get in through cracks in your foundation walls, so apply mortar to seal cracks. They'll get in through gaps around plumbing, so fill these with expanding foam. They can also get in through damaged screens, so repair holes and rips. Other common entry points are through gaps around exterior doors, so replace weatherstripping and door sweeps as needed.

All of these tips will help you deter springtails at every stage of their encroachment upon your home. You may never need to contact a licensed pest control service provider for springtail control in your house if you're diligent. If you're reading this right now and you already have an indoor problem with these pests, remember that Modern Pest Control is here for you. We can help you get rid of springtails in Houston.

Professional Assistance: Contact Us For Total Springtail Elimination

There are many steps to fully addressing a springtail infestation. Some of the things you can do include paying attention to indoor moisture and humidity control. You can fix leaky faucets, install ventilation, install a dehumidifier, and use your bathroom fan during showers and baths to reduce moisture in your home. Along with these steps, you can also repair rotting wood, fill in gaps, and remove stacks of paper or cardboard. If you're noticing these insects around potted plants, you can take those plants outdoors and treat them. You can also directly remove springtails by sucking them up with your vacuum. You have many options available to you. But these steps may not solve the problem entirely because springtails are tiny insects that are surprisingly elusive.

When you contact Modern Pest Control for local springtail control in Houston, here are a few ways we can deal with the problem:

  • Our licensed and certified technicians inspect your home and catalog the conditions that are allowing springtails to grow a population on your property, enter your house, and survive indoors.
  • We systematically counteract their natural behaviors and arrest all activity.
  • We apply professional-grade exclusion materials to seal entry points these tiny pests are using.
  • If needed, we apply appropriate control materials for larger infestations that may be hiding in wall voids and other difficult-to-treat spaces.

After the springtails are gone and we find no activity left in your home, we can help you keep these pests out over the long term. Our ongoing pest control service plans provide pest control protection around your house to deter springtails and other pests. In many cases, we use the same methods to deal with exterior pests. We'll inspect and evaluate your property, perform pest maintenance to reduce pest activity, apply appropriate treatments to further reduce pests, and treat the exterior of your home to prevent insects and other pests from getting in through tiny entry points. With ongoing pest control services, you get protection from far more harmful and annoying pests than springtails.

Want more information about springtail control for your Houston home or ongoing pest control? Contact us today and ask about Modern Plus, Signature, and Signature Plus pest control plans. All of these programs begin with a free inspection. We can assess the pest pressures on your property and get you started right away.

Modern Pest Control is the right choice for pest control in the greater Houston area. Our pest management professionals are highly trained, fully licensed, and insured. They are also hardworking and passionate career professionals who strive for excellence. You don't have to take our word for it. They have earned the QualityPro designation from the National Pest Management Association. It is their "mark of excellence" in pest control.

We would love the opportunity to show you first-hand why Houston residents and business owners trust our team to tackle their pest problems. It is easy to get connected. Navigate to our Contact Page, and we will get right back to you by email, or you can call us.

We look forward to helping you find the right solutions for all of your pest concerns.

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