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Centipede Control 101: Protecting Your Home And Peace Of Mind In Houston
Close up picture of a Centipede

Centipede Control 101: Protecting Your Home And Peace Of Mind In Houston

Centipedes are a kind of pest many homeowners don’t think much about. However, having these pests in your home can cause a lot of unnecessary frustration and stress. 

In this article, we’ll talk about what you can do to prevent and control centipedes in Houston, Texas. We’ll start by taking a look at the life cycle of the average centipede to help you better understand how these pests behave. Then, we’ll talk about some of the rumors surrounding centipedes and whether they pose a threat to you or your family. After that, we’ll give you some simple, practical tips for keeping centipedes out of your home. 

Finally, we’ll go over some of the benefits of working with a professional pest control company to get rid of centipedes. Here at Modern Pest Control, we’re passionate about making sure our customers can experience the peace of mind that comes with a pest-free home.

From Eggs To Molted Adults: The Centipede Life Stages 

Let’s begin by looking at an important aspect of centipede control – the centipede life cycle. 

The three stages of this life cycle are egg, nymph, and adult. Centipedes generally lay their eggs in the springtime. These eggs are usually placed in damp soil and covered with a sticky substance. When the weather is warm enough, the eggs hatch into nymphs. Centipede nymphs resemble much smaller adults. They must go through a process of molting, each time acquiring more and more legs and body segments. This process can take as long as several years. Some types of centipedes continue to grow new legs throughout adulthood. This process can vary widely between species. 

Now that you know a bit about the centipede life cycle, let’s answer an important question: are centipedes dangerous?

Debunking Centipede Myths: Friend Or Foe? 

You may have heard that centipedes are dangerous or even venomous, or finding one in your home is a sign of bad luck. While there is no scientific evidence to demonstrate that centipedes bring bad luck, we have plenty that suggests centipedes are generally not dangerous. While many different kinds of centipedes are known to bite, their venom is generally comparable to a bee's. These bites aren’t usually a significant threat to the victim’s health.

Proactive Measures: Top Tips For Preventing Centipedes 

One of the best things you can do as a homeowner is to implement preventative measures before centipedes become a problem. Once you’re dealing with a huge centipede infestation in your home, it’s too late to try and stop them from getting in. Here’s some practical advice for keeping these pests away from your home: 

  • Make sure to ventilate basements, attics, and crawl spaces properly.
  • Reduce excess moisture around your home.
  • Seal any gaps or cracks in the exterior of your house.
  • Remove debris such as logs, stones, leaves, and grass clippings from your property. 

Following these tips can reduce the risk of a centipede invasion in your home. If you find yourself dealing with these pests in Houston, you can always contact our team at Modern Pest Control.

Professional Centipede Elimination: Why Expertise Matters 

Since 1952, Modern Pest Control has been helping the residents of the Houston area deal with all manner of pests. We have decades of local pest experience, and our pest management professionals are equipped with everything they need to get rid of pests quickly and safely. 

Call Modern Pest Control today to learn how we can help you get rid of centipedes in your house.

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