Don't Let Their Face Fool You; Raccoons In Houston Are Dangerous
Close up picture of a Raccoon

Don't Let Their Face Fool You; Raccoons In Houston Are Dangerous

"Aww. Look at the adorable animals wobbling around the backyard! Their little masked faces are so cute! And their tiny little hands look just like human hands!" Though these statements may be true, and you may agree that raccoons are adorable, this does not mean that they aren't dangerous. Let's take a look at what these creatures are, the troubles they bring, and how to safely have them removed.

What Are These Masked Creatures?

Raccoons are about the size of large house cats, measuring between 24 to 38 inches in length and weighing between 14 and 25 pounds, with the males usually being a little larger than the females. Because raccoons have black fur around their eyes that looks like a mask, and because of their tendency to steal things, they are often called "masked bandits." They are also called "ringtails" because of the rings on their tails.

Factors That Draw Raccoons To Properties

Like other pests, raccoons are drawn to properties for three main reasons: food, water, and shelter. Because so many raccoons have become reliant on humans for their food sources, they have become increasingly troublesome for homeowners. Food sources that raccoons are attracted to can include: pet food left outdoors, vegetable gardens, fruit trees, berry bushes, leftover barbecue or picnic foods left outside, and unsecured garbage cans. Some raccoon water sources might be leaky hoses, clogged gutters, puddles formed in low-lying areas, and water trapped in items that hold water after it rains, items such as kiddie pools, toys, and other objects left outside. Sheltered areas that can attract coons are areas under porches, accessible sheds, and even crawl spaces, attic areas, or any other area that is infrequently used by humans.

Why Are Raccoons A Problem?

  • Raccoons are famous for knocking over trash cans and making a mess. Not only is this a hassle to keep cleaning up, but it works to attract all sorts of other pests as well.

  • Raccoons can spread bacteria around because of their tendency to get into filthy places, like your garbage cans.

  • Raccoons can become aggressive if they are cornered or protecting their young. If a pet or a child bothers a mother raccoon, she may attack, biting, and scratching, potentially causing serious injury.

  • Raccoons are known vectors for rabies. Any animal infected with the rabies virus is extremely dangerous to have around. Some signs that a coon may have rabies are: erratic behavior, frothing at the mouth, not being afraid of humans, and being out in the daytime.

  • Raccoons can do damage to homes. If a raccoon gets inside and then the hole is sealed up behind him, that raccoon will probably panic! A scared, trapped raccoon can do a lot of damage trying to get out of a home. And even if it is allowed to come and go freely, a raccoon can quickly do a number on insulation, duct-work, vents, fans, windows, and more.

  • Raccoons can bring parasites with them if they get into homes. Some of the parasites a raccoon might be harboring are fleas, mites, lice, and ticks.

If you would rather not have to deal with these masked bandits setting up housekeeping near, or inside, your home, there are some steps you can take to make your property and house less appealing to them.

  • Remove food sources from your yard. If you have gardens and fruit trees, pick up any dropped food lying on the ground.

  • Don't leave pet food outside. Make sure trash cans have tight-fitting lids. And clean up after parties, picnics, and barbecues.

  • Remove water sources. Clear clogged gutters. Fix leaky spigots or hoses. And clear your yard of anything that can hold water.

  • Trim tree branches away from your exterior walls and roof areas. This way raccoons cannot gain access to your roof areas.

  • Always keep attic windows closed and locked. Raccoons have human-like fingers that can easily open an unlocked window.

  • Install spikes on latticework to discourage raccoons and other climbing creatures from gaining access to your walls and roof areas.

Mistakes Houston Homeowners Make To Attract Wildlife 

Some of the wildlife animals that homeowners in Houston encounter include pest birds, raccoons, squirrels, and more. But they may be making mistakes unbeknownst to them that actually attract these animals rather than repel them. Here are some of the missteps that people unknowingly make:

  • Having an accumulation of trash: Garbage, especially when it’s stored outside, is alluring to a variety of wildlife. Not storing it properly or failing to take it out for removal can make it very enticing. 
  • Letting trees and landscaping become unkempt: Having a yard that has overgrown trees and hedges only creates more hiding spaces for wildlife. 
  • Moisture sources: Water is essential for wildlife and having leaky pipes or hoses, as well as gutters that don’t function properly, may be enticing. 
  • Failing to work with a professional: A pest control professional is going to have the most effective and reliable solutions to deter wildlife and can also protect homeowners from the potential health risks that they are associated with. 

For wildlife control that protects homeowners, call Modern Pest Control today. 

Don't Try To Remove Dangerous Wildlife On Your Own

If you need assistance removing raccoons from your property or from your home, reach out to the professionals here at Modern Pest Control. We will do a thorough inspection to find out where wildlife is getting in and what animals we are dealing with. We will then determine the appropriate traps to be used. One-way exit doors are used for raccoons. Once all the animals have been removed, we will seal up the entry points. Our services are guaranteed. If another raccoon or other wildlife creature gets in through the area we sealed up, within one year, we will come back and fix it again at no additional charge.

No matter how cute they are, raccoons are wild animals and they can be very dangerous. Reach out to Modern Pest Control today for prompt assistance.

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