How To Deal With Mosquitoes In Katy
Mosquito biting someone's skin.

How To Deal With Mosquitoes In Katy

Have you spent time outside, maybe gardening, performing seasonal maintenance, or just relaxing with a book or by the pool and then being forced inside by annoying pests? Chances are you have been in this situation, and the pest you were likely dealing with was mosquitoes. If you live in Texas, you don’t need us to tell you just how annoying mosquitoes are. Our state is second only to Florida regarding who has the worst mosquitoes. While some Texas areas have more arid conditions and have less hospitable for mosquitoes, we aren’t in that category. Our climate is warm and humid; add this to the amount of rain we get, and it is the perfect place for mosquitoes to thrive.

So you might know about mosquitoes and have likely been bitten by one, but what are they? Mosquitoes are flying insects that can be found all over the world. Not all species bite, and only the females bite for those who do. They do this using their proboscis, mouthparts that can pierce the skin, allowing them to consume the blood they need to reproduce. Other features of this pest include two wings, six delicate legs, and a feather-like antenna. There are many types of mosquitoes in Texas, but four are the most common. The Aedes Aegypti, also known as the yellow fever mosquito, can breed inside homes. The Asian tiger mosquito is also known as the forest mosquito and is most active during the daytime. House mosquitoes and southern mosquitoes are the two most common species and are very similar.

It can be easy to feel like you are powerless against this pest that doesn’t seem to go away, but the truth is you aren’t. The best way to protect yourself against any pest, including mosquitoes, is by knowing more about the threats they pose and their behaviors. This will help keep mosquitoes from living in large populations on your property by understanding what attracts them, how you can make your home less attractive to these pests, and how expert pest control can help. At Modern Pest Control, we are dedicated to protecting residents from the different types of mosquitoes in Texas. Below you can read more about mosquitoes and the Katy pest control we offer.

What Attracts Mosquitoes To Your Yard

Several factors make a property attractive to mosquitoes; water, shade, and food, all of which this pest needs to reproduce and survive. Standing water is the main attraction for mosquitoes as they need it to reproduce—only a tiny amount of water, about the size of a bottle cap. Sources of stagnant water on a residential property can include birdbaths, landscaping water features such as ponds, clogged gutters, poor drainage, potted plants, forgotten debris such as tires, swimming pools, kayaks, and boats, garbage cans, wheelbarrows, and play structures. The possibilities are endless of where you can find standing water in a yard, and unfortunately, there can also be a neighboring water source that you don’t have control over. 

The second most prominent reason your yard may be hosting a high population of this pest is access to shaded areas. Although mosquitoes are most active during the summer and thrive in warm temperatures, they cannot survive in high heat or direct sunlight as they can become dehydrated quickly. Mosquitoes will find cool shaded areas to hide in midday when the sun is hottest. Shaded areas in a residential yard can include tall grass, trees, shrubs, gutters, eaves, under decks, and tree stumps. They can also hide in debris and compost, such as piles of leaves, grass clippings, and wood. These areas can also be culprits of stagnant water, making them doubly attractive to this undesirable pest.

As stated above, female mosquitoes are the only ones that consume blood by using their piercing mouthparts. On the other hand, male mosquitoes have a proboscis that isn’t strong enough to pierce the skin. They consume sweet liquids such as nectar, honeydew, and plant sap to get the energy they need to reproduce and fly. Honeydew is a sticky liquid secreted by bugs like cicadas and aphids, planet-destroying insects that eat plant sap. Most flowering plants produce nectar that attracts mosquitoes. They are also attracted to rotting fruit which can fall from trees or even be found in uncovered garbage and compost bins. While female mosquitoes need blood to reproduce, they also consume the sweet liquids listed above. So if you have flower beds, potted plants, or blooming landscaping, you may be inviting mosquitoes to share your yard.

Reasons Why You Do Not Want Mosquitoes In Your Yard

So we have already established that mosquitoes are annoying and can ruin the activities and time you are trying to spend outside. Not only do mosquitoes bite and leave an itchy bump behind, but they also make an irritating buzzing sound created by their wings. One thing that attracts mosquitoes to people is the carbon dioxide we exhale. Female mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide, which helps them locate a potential host. If you think mosquitoes are more attracted to you than other people, you might be on to something. Some people produce more carbon dioxide than others, which can also increase when exercising. Unfortunately, mosquitoes annoying you isn’t the only reason why you don’t want this pest in your yard and it may be the least of your worries after reading more below.

Mosquitoes are known as the most dangerous animal in the world. This is because of the many dangerous diseases they carry and spread.

Diseases spread by mosquitoes include:

  • West Nile Virus: Symptoms include fever, headache, weakness, and disorientation. However, most people infected don’t develop symptoms. This is also the most prevalent mosquito-borne disease in the United States. 

  • Dengue: Symptoms include fever, muscle, and joint pains, vomiting, headache, and skin rash, which last between two to seven days. It can develop into hemorrhagic fever or severe dengue. Recently, this has been the most rapidly spreading mosquito-borne disease.

  • Chikungunya: Symptoms include fever, muscle, and joint pains, headache, joint swelling, rash, and fatigue. Although symptoms usually improve within a week, there may be prolonged, lasting joint pain.

These are the most common mosquito diseases in the United States. However, many other diseases are spread by mosquitoes globally, such as yellow fever and malaria. In dogs, mosquitoes can also be the cause of heartworms, a parasite, which is a serious threat, especially if left untreated.

Mosquitoes reproduce quickly, laying around 100 eggs at a time, so a small population on your property can quickly grow and become overwhelming. Not only is the pest a problem outside, but they can make their way inside homes through open windows and other openings. How long this pest can survive indoors and outdoors varies depending on the species, but because of their reproduction habits, you likely will not be able to “wait it out” for adults to die. When indoors, mosquitoes are safe from natural predators, which means they can live longer and even reproduce if the conditions are right.

How To Reduce Mosquitoes

If we listed every over-the-counter (OTC) product available that claims to keep mosquitoes away, we would be here a very long time. Everything from chemical and natural sprays, candles, ultrasonic technology, wearable fans, bracelets, and much more are available. If these products work, they are only a bandage on a larger problem. As you read above, if you have a mosquito problem, it is likely because conducive conditions allow them to reproduce. The products wet list really do nothing to remove these conditions. To accomplish this, you have to get to the root of your mosquito problem. However, there are some things you can also do to make yourself less attractive to this pest. 

We already mentioned that the carbon dioxide we exhale attracts mosquitoes and that some people produce more than others. But there are other factors that can make a person more susceptible to this pest.

Read on for these attractant factors that might make mosquitoes prefer you over others and how you can reduce these factors:

  • Sweat And Higher Body Temperature: While some people are naturally warmer and sweat more, you should cool off, shower, and change your clothes before going outside if you have been sweating.

  • Alcohol: Especially beer, which can increase body temperature and sweat, so you should avoid drinking when outside and even some time beforehand.

  • Clothing: Dark-colored clothing attracts mosquitoes, so instead, wear light colors and tightly woven fabrics.

Other factors that are not as controllable are pregnancy, which causes women to exhale more carbon dioxide and have a warmer body temperature, being blood type O, and certain types of natural skin bacteria. Although you can’t change these attractant features, knowing about them can help you better protect yourself.

To recap, mosquitoes are attracted to properties that provide stagnant water sources, shaded areas, and plants that produce nectar or attract insects that make honeydew.

You can make your yard less conducive to this pest by doing the following:

  • Regularly empty any containers that can catch rain, remove birdbaths, clear gutters, and don’t overwater plants.

  • Plant citronella, lavender, marigolds, rosemary, thyme, and basil instead of other plants as they are natural repellents. Using plants that help keep mosquitoes away is a great way to enjoy flowers without worrying about these annoying pests.

Keep your yard maintained to reduce shade. This should include mowing the lawn, trimming excess foliage, and removing unnecessary debris.

The Benefits Of Ongoing Mosquito Control

It's a common belief that mosquitoes serve no purpose in nature and are only vectors of diseases. If this was the case, we could eradicate mosquitoes or at least a large population of them, but it's not. Mosquitoes are an essential part of an ecosystem's food chain. This pest is prey to many, including bats, birds, spiders, frogs, and insects. Because of this, mosquitoes are here to stay. However, this doesn't mean you have to deal with high populations on your property.

As lovely as it would be to rely upon plants that help keep mosquitoes away for protection, more is necessary for effective prevention. While reducing conducive factors is essential to successful mosquito control, it may not be enough. Like we stated above, store-bought products just won't cut it either. The best way to protect you and your family against dangerous mosquitoes is with ongoing professional pest control.. Although nothing will keep mosquitoes away 100%, you can rely on our team at Modern Pest Control to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard.

We offer a seasonal mosquito control service to keep this pest away. We tailor our services to meet each of our customer's unique needs. Before implementing any treatment, one of our trained mosquito management professionals will perform a complete and thorough inspection on your property and determine what areas are the most important to cover, customizing a control plan designed for your needs. Breeding and resting sites will be modified or eliminated. These services are performed from April through October monthly. We use only the latest products and technology to reduce adult mosquitoes and keep larvae from hatching. Using a mosquito misting system, we can provide year-round protection and give you operational instructions. With regular support and maintenance of the equipment, we will control mosquito populations so you can enjoy the outdoors again.

Don't hesitate to call us if you have an outdoor event planned, we can get rid of mosquitoes in your yard for that special day. Please don't waste your time and money trying to get rid of this pest yourself when our expert team is ready to assist you. To learn more about our customizable mosquito control service, contact us at Modern Pest Control. Take back your lawn with our monthly mosquito control!

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