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What Every Houston Property Owner Ought To Know About Roof Rats
Roof rat inside a wooden ceiling.

What Every Houston Property Owner Ought To Know About Roof Rats

Was the roof of your home built so that people could play on it? Absolutely not. The only people who belong on roofs are professionals who know what they are doing and how to stay safe. Despite this, there is one pest here in Houston that is not obeying the rules of safety. We call them roof rats. If you have never heard of these invasive pests before, here is everything you ought to know about them and some useful prevention tips to protect your Houston home.

What Are Roof Rats?

If you have never heard of roof rats before, you may know them by one of their other many names, such as; black rats, palm rats, fruit rats, ship rats, or Alexandrian rats. Known for being the smallest species of rat here in America and for their brown to black color, roof rats are adept at invading homes. Just like any other species of rodent, roof rats have sharp and strong front incisor teeth that are capable of cutting through wood, plastic, and other hard materials. To keep these teeth sharp, roof rats will chew on anything in sight. If a roof rat inside your home decides to chew on an electrical wire or a utility pipe, this bad habit could turn into a severe problem for you.

How Roof Rats Get Into Homes

One of the most common ways these pests will get inside is through damage along rooflines, down chimneys, or through open second and or third story windows. If roof rats cannot get onto a home from up high, they might also look for gaps, spacing, or other entry points around a home’s exterior. Keep in mind that all homes deteriorate over time, and new openings will always be popping up that rodents may use to get inside.

The Dangers Of Roof Rats

Despite their cute appearance, roof rats are, in fact, dangerous creatures. The main reason for the threat they pose comes from the filthy lifestyle they lead. Spending their days around trash and sewers, roof rats pick up a considerable amount of bacteria, pathogens, and parasitic pests. These sickness vectors are then brought into homes as they invade and spread through their fecal matter and urine. When cleaning up after these pests, make sure to use protective gear to avoid getting sick.
Roof rats also bring ticks and fleas into homes. These smaller invasive pests carry their own list of dangerous diseases, which they can spread to both people and pets.

What Attracts Roof Rats and How To Keep Them Out

The shelter and provisions homes provide are a big draw for roof rats. Your walls are like a palace for these furry creatures, your pantries a never-ending feast. All in all, your home is a paradise for rodents. The good news is, there are ways to eliminate these attractants and seal off your home to keep invasive rodents out. Here is what our experts recommend you do.

  • Seal up small potential entry points in your home’s exterior using a caulking gun and steel wool.
  • Repair damage to your roofline, chimney, and around the exterior of your home.
  • Install metal screens over exterior vents.
  • Trim back tree branches and bushes at least five feet from your home’s exterior.
  • Eliminate clutter and debris around your yard.
  • Thoroughly clean your home at least once a week.
  • Make sure all of your trash cans have tight-fitting lids.
  • Store compost inside a sealed container.
  • After every meal, package leftover food inside airtight metal, plastic, or glass containers.

How To Get Rid Of Roof Rats

If roof rats have already gotten into your Houston home and are causing trouble, we have a solution for you. At Modern Pest Control, we know what methods work best for roof rats and how to keep these pests out after they are gone. With your trust, let us handle your pest problems.
Give us a call today to get a quote for your Houston home and property.

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