The Key To Keeping Centipedes And Millipedes Out Of Your Pearland Home
Centipede crawling on stone.

The Key To Keeping Centipedes And Millipedes Out Of Your Pearland Home

Some people say Pearland is one of the best places to live in Texas, and we must agree. Unfortunately, many pests also agree with this sentiment. Pearland's beautiful climate and proximity to the gulf make it the perfect place for all kinds of critters, bugs, and creepy crawly pests to thrive.

Centipedes and millipedes sometimes become unwanted house guests in Pearland homes, and they can be challenging to get rid of once they get inside. This article will compare centipedes vs. millipedes to help you better understand their differences and similarities.

We'll also explain why you don't want centipedes and millipedes spending too much time around your home outside of the general creepiness that comes with them. Some of these pests signify other problems around your property, and others can bring their own types of trouble.

As with most pests, the best form of control is prevention. We'll review some tips Pearland pest control companies use to keep centipedes, millipedes, and plenty of other pests away from your home and property. Read on to learn more about these many-legged creatures and the best way to get rid of them with the pros at Modern Pest Control.

The Difference Between Centipedes And Millipedes

The simplest way to compare these two creatures is to start with their commonalities. Centipedes and millipedes are arthropods meaning they are animals with an exoskeleton, long segmented bodies, and many legs. Other members of this group are spiders, insects, and crabs.

Scientists group these two "cousins" together because they have other things in common besides their body shape and legginess. Both creatures have poor eyesight and rely heavily on other senses, such as feeling vibrations, to guide them. They also both prefer dark, damp environments, which explains why we often find millipedes and centipedes in the basement or crawl spaces.

Centipedes and millipedes stand out from the crowd because they have so many legs, and while you might assume millipedes have more legs, that is not always the case. Centipede means "one hundred feet," but they usually have between 15 and 177 pairs of legs. Millipede means "one thousand feet," but their number of pairs of legs usually ranges between 40 and 400.

A centipede's body ranges from 1/8 of an inch to up to six inches. Their wormlike bodies are yellowish to dark brown, sometimes with darker markings or stripes, and they have long, sensitive antennae covered with hairs. Centipedes have one set of legs per segment of their flat elongated bodies.

If there are centipedes in your home, the most likely species is the house centipede. These pests are usually around 1 to 1 1/2 inches long and have grayish-yellow bodies with three longitudinal stripes and 15 pairs of long legs. The antennae and last pair of legs on these centipedes are longer than their bodies. 

Millipede sizes range from the smallest ones at 1/16 of an inch up to 4 1/2 inches long. They are usually black or brown, but some have red, orange, or mottled patterns on their long, cylindrical bodies. Millipedes differ from centipedes because they have two sets of legs for each body segment.

Their shapes and number of legs aren't the only differences between centipedes and millipedes. Speed is also a distinguishing factor. Centipedes move quickly, running on their long legs, making them challenging to spot, while millipedes have short legs that make them move slowly. 

The speed of each creature's movement may have a lot to do with the type of food they require. Centipedes are carnivores that need to chase after their prey quickly, and millipedes eat mostly dead or decaying plant and animal matter, so they don't need to move as fast.

No matter which type of multi-legged crawler you have, it is time to find out how to get them out. Contact us today at Modern Pest Control to learn more about how our services can help eradicate any creepy crawly pests around your home.

Why You Don't Want Centipedes Or Millipedes Hanging Around Your Home

Centipedes and millipedes, like all pests, belong outside, and each has specific qualities that make it unlikely you would like to share your space with them. We'll start with the similarities again, then move on to their differences.

Both centipedes and millipedes are attracted to areas with high levels of moisture. That being said, if they have made their way inside your house, it can indicate moisture problems in your home. We often find these nocturnal pests in damp, dark areas such as basements and crawl spaces.

Finding them outside in your yard or garden can point to similar problems. Areas in your yard with piles of leaves or debris that stay damp may attract centipedes and millipedes. Dark, moist, protected areas under rocks or rotten logs are typical places to spot these creatures. 

These pests have relatively long life spans and can reproduce in large numbers, making an infestation quickly grow. Centipedes can lay up to 151 eggs and live anywhere from three to seven years, depending on their environment. Millipedes lay up to 300 eggs that hatch and slowly mature over two to five years, and after reaching maturity, they will live for several more years.

House centipede diets include cockroaches, silverfish, carpet beetle larvae, spiders, and other arthropods. If you see centipedes around your home, they may indicate another ongoing pest infestation. Millipedes are predominantly scavengers that eat decaying plants, and you may find them in potted plants around the house.

Generally, centipedes aren't dangerous to people because they don't carry any diseases and aren't overly aggressive. However, centipedes have powerful jaws, and if you attempt to handle them, they may bite in defense and inject venom, causing a reaction similar to a bee sting. 

Millipedes have no teeth to bite with, and they aren't poisonous, but many species have glands that produce an irritating fluid. This fluid is a defense mechanism; if it touches your skin, it may elicit an allergic reaction and blisters. Some millipedes spray toxins that can chemically burn skin, so you mustn't handle them or get any fluid in your eyes.

Millipedes also migrate in the fall or if heavy rains flood their habitat. This migration often causes them to seek shelter inside homes and can lead to a large millipede infestation. If you are having trouble with either centipedes or millipedes around your home, please get in touch with us at Modern Pest Control for assistance removing them.

Natural Ways To Keep Centipedes And Millipedes Away

The best form of centipede and millipede pest control is prevention. Excessive rain, drought, or cooling temperatures may send them seeking shelter within your home. Following this quick list of tips, we will provide more thorough explanations of the steps you can take to keep these pests out:

  • Reduce moisture in your house and yard.

  • Seal cracks and crevices.

  • Keep the yard neat.

  • Take preventative steps for other pest species.

  • Contact a pest control company.

Moisture is among the biggest attractants for centipedes, millipedes, and many other pests. You can help prevent many problems by monitoring your home for moisture issues. Repair any leaking pipes, ensure all areas of your home have proper ventilation, and install dehumidifiers in the basement or crawl space to help deter pests.

Moisture issues in your yard can also attract centipedes and millipedes. Take care not to overwater your lawn; when you need to water, do so in the morning so the grass can dry during the day before these pests come out for the night. Gutter maintenance is also critical to ensure water isn't pooling around the foundation of your house.

Thoroughly inspecting the exterior of your home for cracks, crevices, and gaps and sealing any problem areas can help to prevent many types of pests, including centipedes and millipedes. Foundations are critical to seal, not just at ground level because millipedes can climb walls and reach areas other pests may not be able to. 

Lawn maintenance is a crucial part of preventing these creepy crawlers. Certain factors on your property may attract them, such as long grass or a lot of thatch. Keeping the grass mowed short and dethatching the lawn can help to deter these pests.

Keeping the yard tidy can also help. Leaving dead leaves, grass clippings, piles of mulch, and rotting wood around will attract these pests. Damp leaf and debris piles often provide cover for centipedes and millipedes in the soil, so try to keep debris far away from your foundation.

Adding preventative pest-proofing to your home maintenance plan can help to keep all sorts of critters out. Regularly check that weatherstripping is intact and that all doors and windows have screens without holes. Installing door sweeps and ensuring your garage door fully closes can also help keep pests from wandering into your house.

Collaborating with professionals like Modern Pest Control is the best way to pest-proof your home. Our pest management professionals understand how pests find their way into homes and what attracts them. We can help inspect your property for any areas attracting pests or factors that may allow them to enter the house.

It is also critical to check for any existing pest infestations you may be unaware of, especially when you see centipedes around the house. Centipedes eat other pests, and there is likely plenty of prey in or around your home if they keep turning up. Contact us today at Modern Pest Control for help eliminating any infestation you have and preventing any future problems with pests. 

How To Get Rid Of A Centipede And Millipede Problem

Our prevention tips can go a long way toward keeping pests away, but it is time to take action if you are currently dealing with a centipede or millipede problem. Millipedes and centipedes in Pearland can be challenging to eliminate. The humid climate here is perfect for these pests, and our strong storms can send them running for shelter inside homes.

We understand that having an infestation of pests around your property can be incredibly stressful. The first impulse many people have is to run to the store and buy whatever product says it will eliminate their pest problem. Unfortunately, many of these products are a waste of time and money.

Placing a bait or trap may help you catch an occasional centipede or millipede, but they do not address what is causing the problem in the first place. Whether something on your property is attracting these pests or there are hidden cracks and crevices they are sneaking into, it is critical to eliminate these problems to prevent future infestations. 

Modern Pest Control has been servicing homes for over 70 years, and we take our work seriously, treating your home as we would our own. We pride ourselves on our outstanding customer service and attention to detail, taking the time to thoroughly inspect your property and find the best solutions to your pest problems. 

We are committed to using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, which means we strive to handle your pest problem while minimizing risks to people and the environment. This method involves eliminating your pest problem and taking a proactive approach to reduce the chances of future infestations. 

If you are struggling with a centipede or millipede problem around your home, we are here to help. Our pest management professionals will be happy to come out and inspect your property to determine which species is causing problems and choose the best way to get rid of them. We will work closely with you, explaining what we find and developing a plan that works for everyone.

Our technicians are highly skilled at eradicating pest infestations and discovering what attracts them to your property. We understand that home pest control can be stressful and confusing, so we are happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us at Modern Pest Control today to request your free inspection or to learn more about our services.

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