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Is It Possible To Prevent Cockroaches Around My Woodlands Home?
Cockroaches invading a sandwich.

Is It Possible To Prevent Cockroaches Around My Woodlands Home?

The Woodlands is a relatively new community established in 1974. This master-planned forested community has dedicated itself to establishing friendly green spaces that residents can enjoy while also offering top-notch amenities that rival the big city of Houston (just 30 minutes away). Top-notch communities not only lure in new residents; they will also appeal to local pests like the cockroach. Without pest control in Woodlands, homeowners may find these nasty-looking pests becoming cozy in their welcoming community.

Why Are Roaches A Problem For Homeowners In The Woodlands?

Cockroaches need food, water, and shelter to live life comfortably. When conditions outside start affecting a cockroach's way of life, it will seek what it needs indoors. When this happens, it becomes a big problem for homeowners.

Five problems cockroaches bring to homes in Woodlands include:

  1. They ruin bookbindings, fabrics, and food.
  2. They give off an offensive odor on food and areas around your home.
  3. They contaminate things they crawl over.
  4. They spread diseases (dysentery, gastroenteritis, listeriosis, salmonellosis, etc.)
  5. They can aggravate allergy sufferers.

When cockroaches come calling, you need professional cockroach remedies. Since they bring severe problems to your home, it is essential to have pest professionals like Modern Pest Control set up a protective barrier around your home.

Cockroach Prevention Steps Every Homeowner Should Take

Deterring cockroaches from finding your home inviting involves general maintenance. It is vital that homeowners actively stay engaged in the fight against cockroaches

Nine steps that homeowners can take to prevent cockroaches include:

  1. Cleaning counters, stovetops, and tables after any food preparations
  2. Limiting eating to specific areas of the house; all spills need cleaning up immediately
  3. Not allowing dirty dishes overnight in a dishwasher; dirty dishes should not be left on counters or in the sink overnight
  4. Storing food/garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids
  5. Reducing moisture in bathrooms by using vent fans when bathing or showering
  6. Using dehumidifiers in areas that are typically damp and retain moisture
  7. Fixing leaky toilets, roofs, pipes, and faucets
  8. Removing clutter (piles of newspapers, boxes, and cardboard)
  9. Using silicone-based caulking to seal crevices, gaps, and cracks around your home (especially around pipes and wires that come into your home from the outside)

Even with your best efforts at cockroach prevention, you may still have to deal with these crafty critters. In the end, what keeps cockroaches away is professional pest control from Modern Pest Control.

Why Cockroach Infestations Are Best Left To The Pros

Cockroach pest control is extremely challenging when you are battling some of the hardiest pests in the world. These critters can endure extreme temperatures and survive up to a week without its head. Survival without food is no problem; it can go for a month without feeding. It can enter your homes like a stealth bomber using sewer systems and pipes to its advantage. Once it gets in, it is an expert at hiding. Any cracks, crevices, and gaps can be a refuge for this skilled survivor. The challenges of cockroach prevention and removal can be pretty daunting; therefore, using professional pest control services is vital.

Call Modern Pest Control For Safe & Effective Cockroach Control In The Woodlands

With all the problems associated with cockroaches, why leave prevention and removal to chance? With the beautiful weather experienced by Woodlands residents, pests can be a year-round ordeal. With three signature pest control plans provided by Modern Pest Control, our company can provide year-round protection that will meet your individual needs. Call Modern Pest Control today to learn more about our year-round protection plans.

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