What Do Centipedes Look Like?
Centipedes are well-known for their leggy appearance. Centipede identification partly relies on the number of legs. Depending on the exact species, a centipede can have anywhere from 15 to 177 legs. Their numerous long legs allow them to move very quickly from place to place.
The centipede’s body is flat, long, and segmented. Each body segment has one pair of legs, with the first pair of legs ending in sharp venomous claws. Centipedes use this venom to paralyze their prey. Adults vary greatly in size growing to between 1/8th to 6 inches in length. Centipedes range in color from yellowish-brown to dark brown and they may have dark stripes or other varied coloration on their bodies.
Are Centipedes Dangerous?
The short answer is no, centipedes in Texas are not dangerous. While centipedes do have the ability to deliver painful bites to people that are similar to a bee sting, the venom is not strong enough to cause any sort of reaction in most people. However, because of their less than cuddly appearance and their quick movements, they are known to startle people, making them a pest that many people fear.
Though centipedes in Texas are not dangerous to humans, they may be indicative of a larger pest problem. They feed on many common household pests such as ants, silverfish, and cockroaches which do pose threats to humans. If you start to see centipedes in your Texas home, an exterminator can help you identify a potential larger pest problem.
Where Am I Likely To Find Centipedes?
Centipedes are predators and feed on soft-bodied insects, worms, spiders, and even other centipedes. These predators live in areas that give them access to their prey; they can be found living outside in dark damp areas underneath of rocks, mulch, landscaping ties, logs, or leaf litter. If the outside weather becomes too hot or dry, centipedes will migrate inside homes and other structures or other environments in search of water. Inside, centipedes in Texas live in hollow, moist areas like bathrooms, underneath sinks, laundry rooms, and crawl spaces.
How Can I Prevent Centipede Infestations?
Preventing centipede infestations on your property often proves challenging as they’re likely associated with other pests. However, general maintenance of your property will help deter these unsightly visitors from migrating into your home.
Place door sweeps underneath of all exterior doors, especially basement doors.
Caulk gaps found around all exterior doors.
Seal cracks and crevices in your home’s foundation.
Seal the spaces found around pipes, wires, and other utilities entering into your house.
Remove piles of leaves, fallen trees, and rotting logs from your property.
Reduce moisture levels in your home by installing dehumidifiers and making sure that crawl spaces are properly ventilated.
Make sure that gutters are intact, unclogged, and are working to direct water away from your home.
Place a rock barrier between the foundation of your home and any mulch or garden areas.
Does Modern Offer Centipede Control?
Of course! At Modern Pest Control, we provide pest control solutions for homes and businesses that include treatment for centipedes. Our treatment begins with a thorough inspection of your home and property to determine the source of the problem and whether or not your centipede problem is indicative of a greater pest issue. Then, our professionals at Modern Pest will customize treatment to fit your individual needs.
Contact Modern Pest Control today for more information about the pest control solutions available throughout the Greater Houston area.