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The Key To Keeping The Mosquitoes Away From Your Spring Yard

The Key To Keeping The Mosquitoes Away From Your Spring Yard

Summer in Spring means barbecues, outdoor parties, and fun in the sun. With the kids out of school, there is more time to visit places like Pundt Park, walk the trails, fish, or have a relaxing picnic with family and friends. Unfortunately, this is also the time of year mosquitoes come out in full force and can quickly put a damper on your activities.

This buzzing, biting pest can also make spending time in your backyard impossible. Whether you enjoy working out in the yard or the kids want to spend time outside playing, mosquitoes are unwanted visitors that can ruin a beautiful day. If you are tired of fighting this pest every time you step outside, it is time to learn more about mosquito pest control in Spring.

Mosquito season in Spring is long, running from March through October, but these pests can be a problem in just about any month, depending on the weather and temperatures. In this article, we will explore some of the habits and behaviors of mosquitoes to help explain why they are such a problem in this area.

We’ll also review the mosquito life cycle and the various stages they go through. This life cycle is essential to consider when trying to control this pest and also helps explain why there are so many mosquitoes on your property. 

These pests can quickly cause a lot of trouble, so protecting yourself and your family is critical with mosquitoes. If you have a lot of mosquitoes in your yard, the best-case scenario is you will have numerous itchy bites to deal with. But these insects are also disease vectors, and the more you have flying around your property, the greater the chances of acquiring an illness.

The good news is there are many ways to reduce the number of mosquitoes on your property. We’ll explore some options for preventing mosquitoes, including some naturally effective tips to help make your yard less hospitable to these insects. Proactive prevention is one of the best ways to control mosquitoes year-round.

We’ll also review the best methods for mosquito control in Spring available and explain how professional mosquito control can help to reduce the populations of these insects around your property significantly. Keep reading to learn all about how to get rid of mosquitoes and the key to keeping them away from your yard with the pros at Modern Pest Control. 

Mosquitoes: Habits And Behaviors Of The Little Fly

There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes worldwide, but thankfully, only 170 live in North America, and only a couple will bite people. Here in Spring, the two types of mosquitoes that are cause for concern are the Asian tiger and Culex mosquitoes. Both of these species can spell big trouble when they infest your property.

To start, let’s review the common traits these mosquitoes share. Female mosquitoes are the ones that bite people and animals, and they do so because they require a blood meal to lay their eggs. Besides these blood meals, both males and females will feed on nectar, honeydew, and fruit juices.

Believe it or not, these annoying pests have upsides regarding the ecosystem. Mosquitoes are pollinators. When they feed on plant nectar, they pick up pollen and transfer it to the next plant. Mosquitoes and their larvae are also a food source for birds, fish, frogs, and dragonflies, to name a few.

All mosquitoes have feather-like antennae that aid in their survival. The antennae help female mosquitoes detect the carbon dioxide people emit so they can find a host to bite. Males have bushier antennae that enable them to detect the audible buzzing sounds of the females while they search for a mate.

Mosquitoes are fond of areas with high humidity and warm temperatures, so summer in Spring is ideal for them to thrive. These conditions also make it more likely for mosquitoes to carry illnesses. Additionally, specific events, such as hurricanes, that cause flooding can drastically increase their populations. 

Now that we know what these different species of mosquitoes have in common let’s review their differences. Notably, each type of mosquito is most active at specific times of the day, which makes them easier to identify. Asian tiger mosquitoes will buzz and feed during daylight hours, while Culex mosquitoes are most active at dusk and dawn.

After ingesting a blood meal, females lay eggs in stagnant water or moist soil. Asian tiger mosquitoes can lay their eggs in containers with at least a half inch of water, and those eggs can survive up to eight months, even in winter. Culex mosquitoes may use containers too, but they will also take advantage of puddles, marshy areas, creeks, and ornamental ponds.  

With the right conditions, namely warm, humid weather, mosquitoes quickly move through all of the stages of their life. Asian tiger mosquitoes lay between 40 and 150 eggs at a time, usually once a week. After several days of digesting their blood meal, Culex mosquitoes lay eggs in rafts containing up to 300 eggs.

Let’s take a brief look at the various stages of life each mosquito goes through and the amount of time they typically spend in each cycle during the summer:

  • Eggs will hatch within a couple of days and become larvae.
  • The larvae develop into pupae in about five days.
  • The pupa becomes a reproductive adult in only two or three days. 
  • Mosquitoes progress through all of these stages in just seven to ten days. 
  • On average, female adult mosquitoes will live up to two months, and males just over a week.

This rapid breeding cycle is part of the reason it is so challenging to get rid of mosquitoes in the yard. Most over-the-counter products can only eradicate adult mosquitoes, and the eggs they had laid before dying will quickly become adults. Infestations can progress rapidly, so it is best not to ignore a mosquito problem in your yard.

Because they reproduce so quickly, working with a local company that offers regularly scheduled mosquito control options is your best bet for managing them throughout the year. Contact us today at Modern Pest Control to learn how our pest management professionals can help keep mosquitoes in Spring away from your yard.

Mosquitoes Can Do A Lot Of Damage In Their Short Life

Just about everyone has had a mosquito bite at some point. The tell-tale itchy red mark they leave behind is the only proof you need of their presence. Unfortunately, mosquitoes can leave you with much more than a welt when they bite.

Asian tiger and Culex mosquitoes are disease vectors that carry mosquito-borne diseases. All these fancy terms mean that they can transfer illnesses between people or between animals and people when they bite. So when a female mosquito takes a bite to draw her blood meal, she can pick up a disease and spread it to the next person or animal she bites.

Worldwide there are several dangerous diseases spread by mosquitoes. Here in the United States, we can narrow that down to just a few illnesses that can harm people and their pets. The following list details the pathogens mosquitoes in Spring may be carrying:

  • West Nile Virus (WNV): The leading cause of mosquito-borne illness in the U.S., it can be severe and sometimes fatal in 1 in 150 people that are infected.
  • St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE): Can cause neurological issues and meningitis.
  • Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE): Rare but fatal for 30% of people who contract it, survivors are often left with neurological issues.
  • La Crosse Encephalitis (LCE): Severe cases of inflammation in the brain most often occur in children under 16.
  • Heartworm (in dogs): This parasite will affect 1 in 100 dogs in the U.S. each year.

Thankfully, most of the time, you will only have to deal with an itchy mosquito bite. However, because there are no vaccines to prevent most of these illnesses, and medications can only treat symptoms, taking precautions to avoid infection is a good idea. In the case of your dogs, you can ask your veterinarian to prescribe heartworm prevention medication.

For you and your family, there are a few ways you can reduce the risk of infection while you are out and about. Light-colored clothing is less likely to attract the attention of mosquitoes, and wearing long pants, sleeves, socks, and shoes, will limit the areas they can bite. Additionally, regularly applying EPA-approved insect repellant and staying inside around dusk and dawn can also help to protect you from these dangerous pests.

One of the best ways to prevent infection around your property is to reduce the number of mosquitoes as much as possible. Working with professionals that can spray for mosquitoes in your yard can significantly reduce their numbers. Contact us today at Modern Pest Control to learn more about our mosquito control services and how they can help to protect your family.

Proactive Tips To Prevent Mosquitoes Around Your Yard

If you’ve lived in Texas for a bit, you’ve likely already tried several store-bought products to deter mosquito activity. At some point, almost everyone has tried torches or candles to keep mosquitoes away. While they may create a nice ambiance in your outdoor space, they don’t do much to deter mosquitoes.

Although most products marketed to homeowners aren’t especially effective, you can take some simple, practical steps to help prevent them in your yard. 

Here are some natural ways to keep mosquitoes away from your property:

  • Regularly empty any containers holding water, including children’s toys, old tires, grill covers, pool covers, and potted plant trays.
  • Each week empty and refresh the water in items such as bird baths and kiddie pools.
  • Mosquitoes enjoy yards with shady spots to rest, so cutting back excessive vegetation and keeping the lawn mowed will help deter them.
  • Running a small fan can help keep mosquitoes away when dining outdoors.
  • Replace regular exterior lights with yellow or sodium vapor bulbs, which are less attractive to insects.

In addition, it is essential to check your yard for areas with poor drainage or stagnant water. Filling puddles with dirt can help to prevent them from becoming mosquito breeding sites. Tree holes are common places for these insects to lay eggs, but you can fill them with expandable foam from the home improvement store. 

For containers that can’t be emptied or sealed, you can cover them with a fine mesh with holes smaller in size than adult mosquitoes, including vents and plumbing pipes. Also, check the septic tank for cracks and gaps you might need to seal. Water features that you can’t cover should be appropriately treated and set to circulate to deter mosquitoes from laying eggs.

While inspecting your property, check the house’s exterior for any conditions that might allow mosquitoes inside. Ensure that screens on doors and windows don’t have any tears and seal any cracks and gaps that may let them in the house. Small steps can make a big difference regarding mosquitoes.

These tips can all help to deter these troublesome pests, but the best way to keep mosquitoes out of the yard is to combine your efforts with the services of a professional pest control company. Contact Modern Pest Control today to learn how our services can help to prevent mosquito activity on your property.

Pro Mosquito Control Offers The Best Protection For Your Yard

Mosquito control is challenging no matter which part of the country people live in. But here in Spring, our warm, humid climate creates the perfect conditions for these pests to thrive. If you have already tried DIY methods, you have likely found they aren’t very effective in managing mosquito populations.

Whether you are sick of battling mosquitoes every time you step into the yard or are looking for ways to protect your family and pets from these dangerous insects, working with a professional mosquito control company is one of the best investments you can make. DIY mosquito control is stressful and less cost-effective than professional treatments, and if not used correctly, it can be dangerous to your family and pets.

Protecting your yard from mosquitoes requires a multi-faceted approach, including preventative steps and regular maintenance. Modern Pest Control practices Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to ensure we solve your pest problems while working to minimize risks to people and the environment.

The mosquito control process starts with our pest management professionals thoroughly inspecting your property. During this inspection, we are searching for areas that may attract mosquitoes, such as landscape plants and water features that may draw mosquitoes to your yard. We’ll also check for harborage areas and look for conditions that may become breeding sites. 

Following inspection, we will work with you to develop a customized plan for the specific conditions on your property. There is no one size fits all method to deal with these pests. Every property is different, and our pros will consider every factor on your property before determining the best way to handle them. 

Depending on the conditions in your yard, we will suggest areas that you can adapt or remove to help reduce the number of mosquitoes you will attract. For example, you can alter decorative ponds or irrigation systems that are overwatering to be less hospitable to mosquitoes. We can also treat standing water for mosquitoes to make sure any eggs will not hatch.

Modern Pest Control offers various programs to help control mosquitoes throughout the year. Our Basic Mosquito Program will treat mosquitoes monthly, from April through October, when they are the biggest problem. This program is designed to treat areas where mosquitoes rest and harborage sites and will treat mosquitoes at all stages of their life cycle.

Our Mosquito Plus Program incorporates everything that comes with the Basic Program but adds additional protections. In the Plus Program, we treat mosquitoes every three weeks to ensure we continually interrupt their life cycle. Additionally, we will use insect growth regulator granules in water catchment areas on your property and add passive mosquito traps to add another layer of protection.

For year-round control, we also offer state-of-the-art Mistaway misting systems. These compact, tankless systems can be specifically programmed to dilute rates and misting times to meet seasonal demands, and you can control them from your smartphone. Once it is up and running, we will explain how to use it and follow up with regular maintenance to keep it protecting your yard throughout the year.

While no method will 100% eliminate mosquitoes, we have a high success rate in significantly reducing their numbers. We use only the best products to keep mosquitoes away, and our no-odor backpack misters also help to control spiders and other insects.

If you’re ready to reclaim your yard from these troublesome pests, it is time to call in the pros at Modern Pest Control. Contact us today with any questions about our services or to schedule your free inspection and get back to enjoying your backyard.

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