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Are Silverfish Dangerous To Have Lurking Around My Spring Home?
Close up picture of a Silverfish

Are Silverfish Dangerous To Have Lurking Around My Spring Home?

Even though silverfish may don a silver coating of shimmering scales, they do not inhabit any body of water, as their name may suggest. These odd-looking creatures pose no real physical threat to humans. However, a silverfish infestation doesn’t mean homeowners are out of the woods when it comes to the negative consequences caused by these troublesome pests. But where do they come from? 

Silverfish are primitive insects that have been around since the time of the dinosaur. They have survived for millions of years and are among the oldest living species on the planet. Silverfish are believed to have evolved from a primitive species of springtail, which is related to modern-day cockroaches. These insects have a predilection for dark, damp areas and typically consume cereals, starches, and sugar. They also feed on organic matter such as leather, book bindings, paper, and different fabrics.

These creatures are nocturnal and will typically hide during the day. They are most active at night and will often be seen scurrying around a home in search of food. Even though they’re not considered dangerous to humans, silverfish can cause serious property damage. They reproduce by laying eggs in small clusters that take anywhere from four to eight weeks to hatch. The insects will then shed their skin up to ten times before reaching adulthood and can live up to eight years in the right conditions, which is much longer than most other insects. They’re also known to reproduce quickly, laying up to 50 eggs at a time. At this rapid rate, it’s challenging to eliminate an infestation even if it hasn’t been in progress for very long.

Overall, silverfish are found all over the world and are primarily considered a nuisance pest. They can be difficult to get rid of and often require a combination of techniques and treatments to eliminate them completely.

Fortunately, Modern Pest Control provides the most advanced solutions to quickly get rid of a silverfish problem in and around your property. Our highly skilled team of technicians values your comfort and safety, which is why we go the extra mile to restore peaceful, pest-free living to your surroundings again. 

Read on to learn more about silverfish, why you don’t want them hanging around your place for long, and how professionals providing Spring pest control can eradicate these bizarre-looking insects in record time.

How To Identify Silverfish In Your Home

Small and wingless, silverfish are insects that frequently creep into homes and other types of buildings. These creatures get their name from their fish-like shape with shimmery, silver-colored scales. They have flattened, elongated bodies that are typically between 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in length. Beneath their shiny, silver armor lies a brown or gray-colored body with three long and pointy tail-like appendages towards their rear called cerci.

As nocturnal creatures, silverfish are most active when night falls. They are also very fast movers and can quickly scurry away when disturbed. They are known for their ability to move quickly and silently, which makes them difficult to detect. Although not hazardous to your physical health, silverfish are considered nuisance pests because of the damage they can cause to your personal possessions, such as photographs, wallpaper, books, fabrics, and other items made from natural fibers. These creatures eat just about anything, especially starchy food that has been left out. So beware, as silverfish can contaminate your food items with their feces.

Silverfish in Spring are most commonly found in damp, dark areas of a home or building. Similar to many other types of pests, such as cockroaches, earwigs, and termites, silverfish are attracted to humid, moist conditions commonly found in crawl spaces, basements, bathrooms, and cellars. They can also hide inside closets, up in attics, and behind baseboards, so don’t be surprised if you stumble across them congregating in these areas inside your home.

Due to their small size and nocturnal habits, silverfish can be difficult to spot. However, there are numerous and noticeable signs that can alert you to their existence in your home, which include:

  • Damage to books, fabrics, and wallpaper: Silverfish are known to eat inedible, organic materials, so if you notice any holes, unusual stains, or damage to these items, you may have an infestation on your hands.

  • Droppings: Silverfish leave small, black droppings that resemble black pepper. Their excrement can be found in the areas where they’re the most active.

  • Live sightings: If you spot a silverfish scurrying across the wall or floors, that’s a clear indicator that more of them reside in your home.

  • Musty odor: Due to their attraction to moisture, you may smell an unpleasant, musty stench in certain areas of your home that are damp or humid.

  • Shed skins: As silverfish grow, they shed their skin, which can be found in areas where they tend to gravitate to the most. 

So, do any of these warning signs seem familiar to you? If so, inspect places around your house where silverfish are attracted, which are usually dark, dank, and moist spaces. Even if you don’t come across any live insects, you still may notice signs of silverfish damage inside your home. If you do, it’s important to not delay seeking assistance. Instead, take immediate action to stop the infestation from spreading to prevent further destruction. 

Although using the methods previously mentioned may help to temporarily thwart the problem, nothing is more effective than contacting your local home pest control company to eliminate the infestation fast. Give Modern Pest Control a call to schedule a comprehensive property assessment. 

The Silverfish In Spring Aren't Dangerous

If there’s any silver lining to having a silverfish problem, it would be that they’re not dangerous to humans. That should come as good news for homeowners who are afraid these creatures may bite or transmit diseases. And on the rare occasion they do bite, their venom is completely harmless to humans. While they can damage books and wallpaper and can contaminate food with their excrement, they are not a significant health hazard.

Even though silverfish don’t cause any major bodily harm, these pests are highly destructive to your property and possessions. Also, the presence of silverfish can be a sign of excessive moisture in certain areas of your home that could potentially lead to mold growth and other issues that could actually be detrimental to your family’s health.

It is important to note that while silverfish are not considered dangerous, it’s still crucial to control and eliminate an infestation. This can prevent further damage to your property and prevent the insects from spreading to other areas of your home. Silverfish have several unusual habits that set them apart from other insects. For starters, they have a long lifespan, typically living up to almost a decade, which makes it extremely difficult to eliminate an infestation once it’s in progress.

These creatures are also nocturnal and are most active at night. Silverfish are known for their ability to move quickly yet silently, which makes them difficult to detect. Because they move in such stealth, they often go unnoticed until the damage is already done and becomes visible.

Silverfish can live for a long period of time without food, and can subsist on the starch found in the glue used in wallpaper and books, which is why these creatures are often found in old buildings and libraries. However, when they do eat, silverfish feast on a wide variety of materials, including books, wallpaper, and other items made from natural fibers. They are also known to eat food that is left out, which they can contaminate with their waste.

Along with food, they can survive long periods of time without water, which is why they are commonly hanging around humid and damp areas. These pests reproduce at a rapid rate, laying up to 50 eggs at one time. This makes getting rid of silverfish a difficult task once an infestation has started. Additionally, these pests can adapt to a wide range of climates and conditions, and can survive in temperatures from just above freezing to over 110 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Overall, silverfish have unique habits that make them hard to detect and eliminate, making it important to take preventive measures to keep them out of your home. But you don’t have to take on these pests by yourself. Get in touch with a reputable pest elimination company that has a proven track record of success. Call Modern Pest Control today!

Five Naturally Effective Silverfish Prevention Tips

As difficult as it is to eradicate a silverfish infestation once it has had a chance to gain steam, prevention should become the main focus. Fortunately, it’s not an impossible feat to keep them away. Review the five natural and effective methods below to deter these pests from coming around your residence:

  1. Keep food stored properly in airtight containers, and swiftly clean up any spills or crumbs. Make sure that no food is not left out overnight.
  2. Use natural repellents, such as lavender, citrus, and cedarwood. Place sachets or essential oil-soaked cotton balls in areas where silverfish are known to assemble.
  3. Regularly clean your home by vacuuming and dusting in areas where silverfish are commonly found.
  4. Reduce humidity to make your home less attractive to silverfish. Use a dehumidifier in damp areas, such as bathrooms, cellars, and basements, making sure there is proper ventilation.
  5. Seal entry points, like small crevices, holes, and cracks around windows, pipes, and doors to prevent them from entering your home. You can use weather stripping or a silicon-based caulk or foam for effective sealing.

Another method of silverfish control is to use diatomaceous earth, which is a natural powder that can destroy numerous kinds of insects. It works by dehydrating the pest and can be applied around areas where silverfish have been spotted. You can also try making a homemade remedy by mixing equal parts of sugar and baking soda and applying the concoction in the same manner as you would the diatomaceous earth.

It's important to note that these tips are preventive measures and are limited in effectiveness in situations when an infestation has been ongoing. In those cases, consider enlisting the services of a qualified pest management company to eliminate the infestation fast.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Silverfish In Your Home

There are multiple ways to try to get rid of silverfish that have invaded your home. Some insecticides are effective, but generally, store-bought treatments are rarely the right answer for a silverfish problem, and these remedies can even be dangerous if improperly used.

You can also try natural or homemade remedies, like diatomaceous earth or a sugar or baking soda mixture to kill silverfish, although these are best used as prevention methods. Maintaining a clean home is essential to discourage pest activity. Dry up damp areas and keep your home well ventilated so humidity levels stay low. Repair any leaky pipes or plumbing issues. And prevent silverfish from entering your home by plugging up obvious breaches.

But even if you use any of these measures, you still may not be able to control silverfish consistently on your own. These insects reproduce so rapidly that by the time you notice any damage they’ve caused, the infestation has grown to a size many homeowners can’t eradicate themselves. That’s why the best way to get rid of silverfish inside your home is to skip doing it yourself and go straight to professionals with the background, knowledge, and skills to get the job done right the first time around. No need to handle chemical insecticides or experiment with home remedies. 

When you hire pest specialists, you can rest assured that we use industry best practices along with the most modern equipment to get into hard-to-reach spaces. Not only can we resolve an existing infestation, but we can educate you on the steps to take to prevent it from happening in the future. 

For more than 70 years in the pest management industry, Modern Pest Control has delivered impeccable service that keeps our customers happily pest-free, safe, and comfortable. Our team doesn’t simply meet expectations but exceeds them. Reach out to us today so we can schedule your courtesy inspection. 

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