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Bee Gone: How To Safely Remove And Prevent Bee Hives Around Your Spring Home
Colony of bees on their bee hive.

Bee Gone: How To Safely Remove And Prevent Bee Hives Around Your Spring Home

One out of every three bites of food exists because of pollinators like bees. But while we appreciate the hard work of these insects, many of us simply cannot coexist with bees buzzing around our homes.

Bees carry potent venom in their bodies so they can protect their hives from harm. Not only are their stings dangerous to at-risk individuals, but they can also harm their own populations (as they die immediately after attacking).

Are you struggling to get rid of bees around your Spring home? You may be happy to learn there’s an easy solution. Apart from general prevention techniques and removing attractant factors, you can work with a professional team to get hives away from your home.

Let’s dive into everything you should know about bee control in Spring, including why working with a professional Spring, TX pest control company can help you solve long-term problems.

Types Of Bees: A Guide To The Most Common Bee Species

Spring is home to all sorts of pollinators, including the humble honey bee. But what other kinds of bees call our city home?

The most common types of bees in Spring include:

  • Bumblebees: These large, fuzzy bees do not build hives but instead travel from food source to food source (such as flowers, trees, and garbage piles).
  • Carpenter bees: Although the carpenter bee cannot eat or digest wood, it can still bore into wooden structures to lay their eggs for better weather.
  • Sweat bees: Lovers of humidity, water, and salt, these bees tend to flock around sweaty individuals after a hard day’s work.
  • Mason bees: Like carpenter bees, mason bees are solitary pollinators who prefer to build nests between gaps in brick, stone, and concrete.

Many of these bees are not eusocial species, which means they prefer to live alone rather than in a colony. But if you do spot a bee hive around your home, you need to take action as soon as possible.

The Buzz On Bee Stings: Risks And Allergic Reactions

Unlike stinging insects such as wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets, bees are not aggressive and prefer to coexist alongside humans. However, they can and will attack when threatened, which leads to all sorts of problems for people and pets.

Many people are allergic to bee venom, which leads to swelling, pain, and, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock. Post-sting treatment may cost hundreds of dollars or require a long healing period – neither of which is ideal.

The best way to prevent a bee sting in Spring is to discourage any hives from cropping up around your home. Let’s take a look at some eco-friendly bee control services in Springthatyou can use to keep them at bay.

Natural Bee Repellents: Eco-Friendly Ways To Keep Bees At Bay

If you don’t yet have a bee infestation around your Spring home, you can use one of these prevention steps to stop bees from settling down.

Start by:

  • Removing fallen fruit from the base of trees and shrubs.
  • Reducing the number of flowering plants near your home.
  • Getting rid of stagnant water puddles in the yard.

Keep in mind these are prevention steps and not removal techniques for existing hives. If bees have already settled down around your property, you need beehive removal services from Modern Pest Control. 

Professional Bee Control Services: When To Call In The Experts

Modern Pest Control offers everything you need to get rid of bees in Spring. Whether it’s a tiny colony or a full-fledged hive, we can relocate colonizing bees without putting your loved ones at risk.

We offer:

  • Bee inspections
  • Treatments and removals
  • Transportation to local beekeepers

Call us today for help with bees and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Spring, TX.

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