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What To Do About Moths In Your Houston Closet
Webbing Clothes Moth crawling on turquoise fabric.

What To Do About Moths In Your Houston Closet

Have you found tiny, golden-colored moths in your closet? Are they about ½ inch long with a reddish-colored head? You've found webbing clothes moths. The webbing clothes moth is the most common species of clothes moths in the Houston area and the most economically important clothes moth in the country. Finding a clothes moth in your closet can be frustrating, but you might want to thank that moth. It is a warning sign that there are tiny caterpillars eating away at your garments. Those moths don't eat your clothes; their babies do. The larvae of clothes moths feed on natural fibers and have a preference for fur and wool. They're also known to feed on synthetic fibers that are mixed with natural fibers. And don't let the name fool you. They don't just eat clothes. They can also damage furniture, carpets, tapestries, curtains and more. Here's what you should do if you've found these moths in your Houston home.

Clothes Moth Management

The tips used to prevent a clothes moth infestation can work to get control of an infestation inside your home. This will lead to effective long term management.

  • Add dehumidifiers or fans to areas that are high in humidity. This will alter the conditions in these areas and make them unfavorable for clothes moth development.

  • Routine dry cleaning will eliminate clothes moths in all stages of development. Dry cleaning is important because it addresses fabrics they are most likely to be targeted.

  • Routine laundering of items inside your home, especially stored garments, will reduce and control clothes moths.

  • Sustained temperatures above 120 degrees is sufficient to eliminate clothes moths in all stages of development.

  • After dry cleaning or laundering items from storage, store the fabrics in plastic totes, and refrain from storing them inside cardboard boxes.

  • Routine vacuuming can dislodge eggs and suck up the adult moths. Be sure to dispose of the bag outside.

  • Thoroughly clean areas where you're noticing moths. Clean inside closets, furniture, and vents. Be sure to get into locations that are seldom used, such as under heavy furniture or behind heaters. These are prime locations for these pests to hide.

  • If you're noticing damage to curtains, you can put them through a 30-minute drier cycle to eliminate larvae and eggs.

  • Do a detailed inspection of your exterior walls and seal any entry points you find. This will help to prevent more moths from getting into your home and damaging your property.

  • Monitor the fabrics in your home and look for tiny holes developing. And, of course, keep an eye out for those little moths.

Clothes Moth Control

If you want fast and complete control of clothes moths to ensure the protection of your property, it is best to have a licensed pest professional take care of the problem. This will be like flicking the reset on those pests. After the treatment, you can use some or all of the management tips above to make sure you don't get another infestation.

If you have questions about how the licensed pest professionals at Modern Pest Control arrest webbing clothes moth infestations in Houston and the Greater Houston area, drop us a line or chat with us right here on our web page. We'd be happy to discuss the process with you and guide you toward a solution that will stop the damage that is being done to your property. Those moths don't just eat your favorite wool sweater, they can damage items in your home that are valuable, and possibly irreplaceable. Get control of them today, with a little help from the friendly service team at Modern Pest Control. We're here to help.

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