Battle Plan: Effective Strategies For Eliminating A Lawn Pests In Your Spring Yard
Aphid on a thin blade of green grass.

Battle Plan: Effective Strategies For Eliminating A Lawn Pests In Your Spring Yard

Some insects can benefit gardens and lawns, but not all of them. Lawn pests are specific insects and bugs that damage plants, often by eating them. If you’re worried about your yard, you need lawn pest control in Spring. Modern Pest Control is the best way to protect your garden from harmful pests. 

The Silent Invaders: Signs Of Common Lawn Pests

If you’re an avid gardener or just want your lawn to be healthy, you should be aware of lawn pests. Aphids, chinch bugs, and scale are some of the most common—and most troublesome—lawn pests in Spring

Aphids are less than 1/8 inch long. They can vary in color but are usually green, black, red, yellow, brown, or gray. Aphids feed on plant sap and produce honeydew. You might see them on the undersides of leaves or on stems and flower buds. You’ll likely notice damage to plants as a result of aphids. You might also see shiny, sticky areas on leaves caused by honeydew. 

Chinch bugs are black with white wings. They have sharp mouthparts used for piercing grass and drawing nutrients out. If you have a chinch bug infestation in your yard, you’ll probably find small, irregular patches of damaged grass that grow. 

Scale are insects that are related to aphids. They range in size from 1/16 to 1/4 of an inch. They grow underneath a wax covering resembling a single fish scale or a colored bump. Like chinch bugs, scale draws nutrients out of plants. They also produce honeydew. 

Lawn pests can cause many issues, which is why you should look for lawn pest solutions as quickly as possible. 

Understanding The Impact: How Lawn Pests Devastate Your Yard

Lawn pests in Spring cause the most damage because of their diets and feeding habits. Aphids, chinch bugs, and scale all eat plants or draw nutrients out of them which can lead to long-term damage to your plants since they need nutrients to grow and stay healthy. Aphids also sometimes transmit viruses to plants.

Scale and aphids both produce honeydew, a sweet substance many other insects like to eat. Ants, in particular, are attracted to honeydew. Lawn pests don’t just damage your plants; the honeydew they produce invites other pests to your yard and home, leading to further infestations. 

Professional Help: When To Call In A Lawn Pest Expert

Lawn pests can be difficult to manage on your own. Until you notice the damage done to your plants, you probably won’t realize the pests are even in your yard. By that point, the best way to get rid of them is with professional pest control for lawns

Modern Pest Control specializes in removing harmful pests from your yard. Our highly trained service technicians will thoroughly inspect your yard, looking for all the pests that could be causing problems. Then we’ll work with you to create the best treatment plan to keep your lawn and garden safe from harmful pests with Modern Pest Control. 

The Long-Term Battle: Maintaining A Pest-Free Lawn

Before lawn pest infestations set in, there are steps you can take to prevent them. Following these tips can’t guarantee protection against lawn pests but can help you avoid infestation:

  • Check plants for insects before bringing them home
  • Inspect your plants regularly for insects and signs of damage
  • Regularly remove weeds from your garden and lawn
  • Mow your lawn regularly
  • Make sure your lawn is getting the right amount of water, no more, no less
  • Encourage natural predators of lawn pests, such as ladybugs
  • Avoid over-fertilizing your lawn and garden

If you find just a few insects on your plants, you can try to remove them. You can remove aphids with a high-pressure water spray. A soft toothbrush or a cotton swab soaked in soapy water or isopropyl alcohol will remove scales. 

If lawn pests are damaging your plants, seek out lawn pest control services in Spring from Modern Pest Control.

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