How Bad Is It To Have House Flies In Your House In Sugar Land?
Fly on half a peanut.

How Bad Is It To Have House Flies In Your House In Sugar Land?

Ah yes, the familiar buzz of a house fly. While they may seem harmless, these pesky insects can quickly become a nuisance and pose serious health risks if left uncontrolled. Dealing with house flies in your home can be a frustrating experience, but with the right knowledge and strategies, you can keep them at bay and maintain a clean and healthy living environment for you and your family. 
House flies, also known as Musca domestica, are a common household pest that can cause a range of health and hygiene problems if you leave them alone to fly freely around your home. These types of flies are known to carry and spread various illnesses, including typhoid fever, cholera, and dysentery, among other infections. These flying nuisances can pick up pathogens from garbage, feces, and other unsanitary sources and then transmit them to humans by landing on food or dining surfaces.
And there are also some cases in which an individual could develop an allergic reaction to the saliva or feces of house flies. Symptoms could include redness, itching, and swelling. All types of house flies have an incredibly horrible habit of landing on food and leaving behind bacteria and other contaminants that can result in food poisoning or other dreadful health issues. And the last thing you want is for house guests to question your hygiene practices because of the amount of flies swarming around.
House flies breed rapidly, which can lead to a major infestation if the situation isn't addressed promptly. They lay eggs in moist, organic matter, such as garbage, pet waste, and compost, and can produce several generations in a single season. And with their constant buzzing and tendency to land on people and surfaces, these critters can be especially irritating during meals or Just simply trying to relax at home.
Fortunately, Modern Pest Control provides the most effective and advanced solutions to get rid of flies in your house and keep them away. From identifying the common breeding grounds of these pests to implementing effective prevention and control measures, we got you covered in more ways than one.
Continue reading for insightful tips on how to tackle a house of flies so you may enjoy a fly-free living space once again. So, get ready to bid adieu to these unwanted buzzing intruders and learn how Sugar Land pest control specialists can make it happen in no time.

What Are House Flies?

House flies are common flying insects that can be found worldwide. They're about six to seven millimeters long, have a grayish-black color, and are often characterized by their large, red compound eyes. House flies belong to the family Muscidae and are a common species of Diptera, or "true flies."

These kinds of flies normally breed in moist, organic matter, such as garbage, decaying food, manure, and animal carcasses. They lay their eggs in these materials, and the eggs hatch into larvae or maggots that feed on the decomposing organic matter. The larvae then pupate, and adult flies emerge after a few days.
House flies are notorious for causing many people aggravation. These pests are drawn to human body heat, salt, sweat, and dead skin cells, which is why they tend to buzz around your face or the exposed skin on your arms. They can easily contaminate any surface they land on and walk along by leaving behind bacteria and other pathogens that they carry on their bodies or through their feces. This can lead to health problems, like food poisoning and other illnesses. They can transmit diseases like dysentery, typhoid fever, and cholera.
To prevent and control house fly infestations, it's important to maintain good hygiene practices, such as regularly cleaning up food spills, securing garbage containers, and keeping pet waste picked up at all times. 
Overall, house flies are a common and persistent pest that can pose significant health risks and be a general annoyance in the home. By understanding their behavior and taking preventative measures, you can help keep them under control and enjoy a clean and healthy living environment.
For more information on how to best protect your home from these winged annoyances, get in touch with your local pest control company.

Are House Flies Harmful?

Although it may seem hard to believe, house flies can be harmful due to their ability to carry and spread dreadful diseases, contaminate food items and surfaces, and cause allergic reactions in certain people. Several illnesses they can spread to humans include: 

  • Cholera: Causes severe diarrhea and vomiting. If left untreated, cholera can be deadly but can be prevented and treated with proper sanitation. It also can be treated with rehydration therapy and antibiotics.

  • Tuberculosis: Symptoms include cough, fever, and weight loss, and it can be deadly if left untreated by antibiotics. Prevention involves good ventilation, wearing masks, and avoiding close contact with infected individuals.

  • Anthrax: Can manifest as skin lesions, respiratory problems, or gastrointestinal issues, and it can be fatal if left untreated. It can be prevented through vaccination and proper handling of animal products.

  • Typhoid fever: Causes diarrhea, fever, and stomach pain. It can be treated with antibiotics. Prevention involves good hygiene practices, such as washing hands frequently and getting vaccinated.

  • Dysentery: Can cause abdominal pain, fever, and dehydration. Treatment includes a course of antibiotics and rehydration therapy. 

These diseases should not be taken lightly. If you experience any of these symptoms, especially if they persist or worsen, seek medical attention immediately. Always employ consistent hygiene practices, such as washing your hands often or using hand sanitizer if you're unable to access soap and water. 
House flies can also spread bacteria like salmonella, E. coli, and staphylococcus aureus. These pests pick up pathogens from garbage, feces, and decaying organic matter and then transmit them to humans when they land on or crawl across food, utensils, or eating surfaces, which can cause foodborne illnesses or other health issues. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting are a few symptoms you may experience as a result of house flies infiltrating your kitchen area.
Additionally, some individuals with underlying health conditions may experience serious allergic reactions from exposure to house fly saliva and excrement, leading to symptoms such as swelling, itching, and redness.
Practicing good hygiene is a must to reduce the risk of disease transmission from flies. Washing your hands regularly, properly storing and disposing of food and waste, sealing garbage containers, maintaining clean pet areas, and keeping living spaces clean can all reduce the likelihood of attracting flies and coming into direct contact with the pathogens they may carry. These actions will help to prevent the spread of diseases, keeping you and your family safe and healthy.
For the ultimate protection to keep flies away from your home, get in contact with qualified specialists for assistance. Give our team at Modern Pest Control a call so we can discuss your situation and establish an effective elimination action plan.

Why Do I Have House Flies In My House?

House flies are attracted to a variety of factors that make your home an ideal breeding ground and feeding source for them. Understanding what attracts house flies to your home can help you take steps to prevent infestations and reduce their presence. 
Food is the most common attractant that draws these pests to your home. And these insects aren't picky eaters. House flies will feast on almost anything, including pet food, leftovers, sugary drinks, and fruits and vegetables. They'll even hover around and graze your food spills, crumbs, and open garbage containers. So, always keep your kitchen and dining areas clean and free of food debris to discourage fly activity.
Moisture and humidity also provide perfect conditions for house flies to breed. Several areas in your home offer supreme accommodations for this purpose, like your laundry room, bathroom, and areas with standing water. If any pipes or faucets are leaking, make it a priority to get them fixed. Not only will you save money on your laundry bill, but you'll encounter fewer flies inside your house. It's a win-win! 
Another factor that attracts house flies to your residence is a warm temperature. In nature, these flying nuisances breed rapidly, especially when the weather is in the 75°F range or higher. In fact, these conditions allow eggs to hatch into larvae within 24 hours. This is why house flies are more prevalent in the summer months and nowhere to be found during fall and winter. So, one way to keep these insects at bay is to keep your home cool and well-ventilated.
Lastly, house flies love to lay their eggs in decaying organic matter, such as trash, animal feces, and compost piles. Make sure you maintain a consistent cleaning routine and dispose of trash properly in secure bins with tight lids.
Whether you have house flies in bathroom or kitchen areas, or they're whizzing around your yard outside, it's crucial to eliminate or at least reduce their populations to halt the spread of disease, which will keep your family and guests from getting sick. Enlist the services of reputable pest experts to help quickly eliminate flies on your property.

How Do I Get Rid Of House Flies In My Home?

There are several ways to get rid of house flies, ranging from preventative measures to more aggressive treatments. Keeping your home clean and debris-free is one of the most effective ways to prevent and control house flies. Be sure to wipe up food spills and crumbs, regularly empty garbage, secure compost bins, and keep pet waste picked up.
Employ effective exclusion methods to keep flies out of your house. Do this by sealing cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and other entry points. Install screens to vents or replace damaged ones. Fly baits, sprays, and foggers can be effective in obliterating house fly infestations. However, be sure to follow instructions carefully and keep these products out of the reach of children and pets. Alternatively, fly traps are a non-toxic way to eradicate flies.
But bringing pest professionals on board to wipe out a house fly invasion is the best way to get rid of house flies and achieve a pest-free environment. Many people don't realize how challenging it can be to resolve this issue despite the most dedicated efforts. Experienced pest management professionals possess professional-grade products, specialized and modern equipment, and the newest technologies that the general public can't access.  
Pest control treatments are often safer than do-it-yourself (DIY) practices. Pest management professionals use products and methods approved by regulatory agencies and safe for utilization in residential settings. Professionals also have the expertise to deploy these products safely and can provide guidance on how to keep children and pets safe during and after the treatment process. Pest experts also have acquired the necessary skills and extensive training to identify, pinpoint, and eliminate house fly infestations. They're aware of their habits and behaviors that allow them to locate hiding places and breeding sites. Pest professionals use their vast knowledge and sound judgment to customize treatment plans that target house flies more precisely and effectively.
Professional pest control treatments and techniques are typically longer-lasting than other solutions, allowing you to enjoy a pest-free environment season after season. Specialists usually offer ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure that house fly infestations do not reoccur. These services could include follow-up treatments, routine inspections, and prevention advice. 
And best of all, professionals can save you time and money in the long run. DIY tactics may seem cheaper and more convenient in the beginning, but it won't take long to realize that these practices are less effective and require repeated applications. This adds up to wasted time, money, and energy. 
With a customer-centric focus and approach, our seasoned team at Modern Pest Control believes that all of our Sugar Land residents deserve to reside in peaceful, comfortable, and safe surroundings. When you've lasted seven decades in the pest management business, you've learned a thing or two about what it takes to create tranquil living and working spaces where people can thrive. 
Ready to experience this lifestyle for yourself? Reach out to our staff today so we can schedule your free inspection!

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