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Say Goodbye To Flies: Effective Methods For Fly Prevention And Control In Houston
Flies swarming a half-peeled green mango.

Say Goodbye To Flies: Effective Methods For Fly Prevention And Control In Houston

Finding an occasional fly in the house isn't uncommon, and you can typically get rid of one quickly with a bit of luck and a fly swatter. But it is time to take action if you see increasingly high numbers of flies or one of the concerning types. This guide will explain more about fly control in Houston and help you determine the best way to handle these pests in your home.

We'll start by describing some of the most common types of flies we find in Houston homes. Knowing what kind of fly you have is essential to figuring out how to control them and how to locate and remove sites where they reproduce. Different factors around your home will attract various species, and the more you learn about them, the easier it will be to defend your house.

Correctly identifying the species can also help you gauge the risks they bring to your family. While some pose a more significant threat than others, there is no upside to having these pests flying around your house. We'll review the potential risks of each fly species so you have a clearer understanding of what you are dealing with. 

Next, we'll provide some practical tips to help you keep these insects out of your house. Fly-proofing your home is much easier than removing them after the fact. As a bonus, many of our tips will also help prevent other pests and keep your home and family safe.

Continue reading to learn more about flies with the pros at Modern Pest Control. If you prefer to skip to the part where we get rid of your fly problem, contact us today to schedule an appointment. Our pest management professionals can help you evict troublesome pests from your home and prevent them from coming back.

Know Your Flies: Essential Tips For Accurate Fly Identification

Flies are one of the largest groups of insects, and they are relatively easy to recognize because they only have two wings, unlike most other flying insects with four wings. Most flies have short life spans, but they reproduce rapidly, and some can complete their entire life cycle within the structure of your house. The following list includes the most common types of flies that infest Houston homes, with details below:

  • House flies are gray with four black stripes on their thorax and are about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch long.
  • Fruit flies are small, growing to about 1/8 of an inch long, and are tan with black or gray abdomens.
  • Drain flies (aka moth flies) have gray, fuzzy bodies around 1/6 of an inch long with wings covered in hair and a moth-like appearance.
  • Fungus flies (aka fungus gnats) are between 1/6 and 1/8 of an inch long and have a delicate appearance, slender legs, and segmented antennae longer than their heads.
  • Phorid flies can be black, brown, or yellow, are similar in size to fruit flies, and have distinct veins running across their wings.
  • Flesh flies gray flies with a checkerboard pattern on their abdomens that grow up to 1/2 an inch in length.
  • Blow flies (aka bottle flies) are about 1/4 of an inch long and have metallic green or blue bodies.

House flies are among the most common fly species to enter homes. These pests breed quickly, with a female laying between 350 and 900 eggs within their short life of less than 25 days. The developmental time from egg to reproductive adult takes only six days in ideal conditions, compounding the problem and increasing the size of the infestation with subsequent generations.

Fruit flies in Houston are another common house pest that occasionally enter the home from outside or, more likely, travels home with you from the grocery store on your produce. These pests will frequently be around overripe fruit or vegetables or fermenting liquids like beer, wine, or liquor. Females lay around 500 eggs which hatch in less than 24 hours and become reproductive adults in less than a week.

Drain flies, as their name suggests, are frequently seen around drains in bathtubs and sinks. These flies lay between 30 and 100 eggs, often in drains where the larvae will feed on decaying organic matter. They can complete all life cycle stages in as little as eight days with the right conditions.

Fungus flies are nuisances you will likely find hovering and breeding around your houseplants. They usually don't cause much harm besides being an annoying pest, but if you have large numbers, they can damage seedlings or young plants. In warmer temperatures, they can go from egg to reproductive adult in 17 days, leading to multiple generations inside the house.

Phorid flies feed on many substances, including rotting potatoes or onions, and seeing them can indicate a broken septic line or tank. They lay their eggs (up to 500 in their 1 to 2-month life span) in rotting plant or animal matter, completing their stages in about 17 days. They are also known as scuttle flies because of the erratic way they run across surfaces instead of flying.

Flesh flies feed on carrion and animal waste and get their name from their habit of infesting and feeding on open wounds. These flies have eggs that hatch inside their body, and then they lay their larvae directly on a host or waste for them to feed on. These flies can produce tens to hundreds of offspring at a time, with several generations occurring yearly.

Blow flies feed and lay their eggs in decomposing animal matter. They reproduce in large numbers, with females laying up to 2,000 eggs in their short lifetime. Dead animals on your property or easily accessible garbage can attract these pests.

If you have trouble determining the type of fly causing problems on your property or need assistance eliminating them, Modern Pest Control is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our fly control services or to schedule your free inspection.

Health Risks Related To Fly Infestations: Protecting Your Well-Being

All flies on our list, except for fungus gnats, are classified as filth flies. If you notice a swarm of flies outside, you'll see what attracts them. Filth flies feed and lay their eggs in nasty places, including food waste, manure, and animal carcasses. 

When filth flies walk among this waste and feed on it, they pick up pathogens on their bodies and mouthparts. Then they enter your home and contaminate everything they come in contact with, landing on the food you just made or your clean kitchen counter. 

Flies have no teeth and can only consume liquids. When they eat solid food, they regurgitate saliva with enzymes that break down the food to make it digestible. They then suck up this partially digested food and consume it, continually regurgitating and defecating while they eat. 

A single fly quickly landing on your food and flying away shouldn't lead to illness if you are generally in good health. But when flies have time to linger on food, there is a greater chance of disease because the pathogens have time to grow and multiply. The higher the number of flies in your house, the greater the chances that someone will get sick.

If there are large numbers of flies around your house, or you can't seem to eliminate them, contact us at Modern Pest Control. Our pros can help you get rid of the flies you have and prevent them from returning. Call today to request more information or to schedule your free inspection.

Creating A Fly-Free Environment: Tips And Strategies For Prevention

We recommend several strategies to ensure your home stays safe and fly-free. The following list includes some of the best ways to keep flies away from your property and out of your house, with additional details below:

  • Use exclusion techniques.
  • Repair moisture issues.
  • Practice proper sanitation.
  • Keep the yard clean to remove breeding sites.
  • Properly dispose of and store garbage.
  • Store food properly.

Exclusion is one of the best ways to achieve a fly-free home. You'll want to carefully check around doors and windows for any gaps and ensure they seal properly. Also, check that the screens and weatherstripping on windows and doors are intact and make repairs wherever necessary.

Moisture problems can attract flies, so repair any leaking pipes or air conditioning units. Check that your gutters are clear and water doesn't pool around the foundation. Faulty septic lines and tanks can also invite flies, but regular professional inspections from your waste management company can help you avoid this problem. 

Vigilant sanitation can help keep flies away from your home and property. Regularly clean out drains, garbage disposals, and other areas where food waste accumulates. Keep your kitchen clean and tidy, regularly sanitizing counters and vacuuming floors to remove potential food sources for flies. 

Flies breed in animal waste and decaying organic matter like grass and debris piles. Keeping the yard clean can help to deter them. It is crucial to pick up your pet's waste immediately because the strong smell of their feces will attract flies from a distance.

Regularly taking your trash out can help you to avoid attracting flies. Store your garbage in containers with secure lids. If a bag breaks and spills out, you'll want to clean the receptacle thoroughly and avoid draining the liquid onto the soil where the flies can continue to breed.

Proper food storage is essential to keeping flies away. Avoid leaving food on the counter, including produce that you should store in airtight containers or the refrigerator. When you get home from the grocery store, wash the produce to remove any eggs or flies that may have hitchhiked their way into your house.

If you are struggling to determine what attracts flies to your home or how they get inside, Modern Pest Control's pros are here to help. Our pest management professionals know how to get rid of flies and keep them away. Contact us today to learn more about our pest prevention services or schedule your free inspection. 

Getting Rid Of Flies: When To Call In The Experts

A large infestation of flies always warrants a call to pest control experts. Not only does having a lot of flies in the house become a health risk, but their rapid breeding cycles mean the problem will only continue to worsen. Professionals can determine where the breeding sites are, what attracts them, and help you eliminate the flies' and their offspring on your property.

Additionally, if you have gotten rid of these pests, only to have them quickly return, it's a good idea to seek professional help. There may be a factor on your property or inside your house attracting them that you may have missed. For example, a small animal like a mouse may have died in the walls and can help to explain a fly problem you can't control.

When the pros at Modern Pest Control come to your home, the first step is a thorough inspection. We search for areas on your property that may attract flies or conducive conditions that increase the likelihood of an infestation. Our pros are experts in fly identification and can quickly help you determine the species causing problems around your house.

After we know the species you have, it is a simple matter of treating and removing the adults and any breeding sites to eliminate the eggs. Often, homeowners need help getting rid of flies due to a breeding site within the house or nearby in the yard. Our professionals can detect and treat breeding areas to prevent reinfestations.

Modern Pest Control provides expert home pest control solutions. Our pest management professionals can help you eliminate your infestation and prevent them from returning. Contact us today to learn more about our fly control services, or schedule your free inspection and return to a safe, pest-free home.

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