Are Centipedes A Huge Hassle To Get Rid Of In Katy?
Centipede crawling in a bathroom sink.

Are Centipedes A Huge Hassle To Get Rid Of In Katy?

There are many different types of creepy crawlies in the Katy area. Although the vast majority of insects, arachnids, and wild animals prefer to stay well away from human inhabitants, not all pests are that easy to keep at bay. This includes centipedes, some of the most venomous and disturbing-looking insects in all of Texas.

Centipedes are the cousins of millipedes, a many-legged insect with a bad reputation for showing up uninvited. These pests are found in homes and businesses worldwide and are generally considered metameric insects by professional entomologists. Although these insects may not appear to be dangerous at first glance, their venomous injections are enough to cause some significant problems for pets and people.

Unsurprisingly, centipedes are well known for being a huge hassle to eliminate both in residential and commercial environments. Due to their secretive, quiet natures, these pests can be challenging to find before an infestation occurs. Even after discovery, centipedes may still evade capture by running underneath rugs, between cracks, or up the sides of walls. Most over-the-counter (OTC) baits and traps only go so far in preventing centipedes. Because these pests lay eggs on such a frequent basis and have an exceptionally long lifespan, they can invade and infest homes with relative ease.

Today, we're going to explore some of the most important aspects of the centipede lifecycle, including whether or not they have a stinger and what attracts them to Katy homes. Find out natural ways to keep them away and how to genuinely get rid of centipedes around your home or business.

Do Centipedes In Katy Have A Stinger?

Before we can answer the question of whether centipedes have a stinger, it will be essential to understand the physiological components that differentiate them from other pests.

Despite their name, centipedes do not have exactly 100 legs. Depending on the species in question, they may have many more or less. These creatures have one leg per body segment, which means their actual ligaments depend on age, size, and many other factors. Most centipedes in Katy measure between 4 to 152 millimeters, but you are more likely to see a smaller centipede than a larger one.

Centipedes are easily identifiable to home and business owners, even compared to millipedes. These pests have flat, linear, elongated bodies that are often shiny brown, yellow, tan, or black in color. The legs of a centipede are pretty obvious and are often a lighter color than the main body. These lead down to the back legs, which appear almost like a V-shaped tail. Centipedes have a semblance of antennae, a pair of modified legs that point backward over their heads. The most interesting part of the centipede, however, is the forcipules. These bodily phenomena are not found on any other creature and consist of a modified pair of legs with sharp points on the end. These body parts are not true mandibles, but they can be used by the marauding creatures to pin down and maim other creatures, particularly with their venom.

Centipedes in Katy don’t have a stinger; they have something much, much worse: the forcipules. Although most centipedes cannot pierce the skin of humans or large animals, it is certainly still possible (and unwanted).

Humans who have received a centipede bite usually liken it to a bee sting. Some people report that the bite is extremely painful, causing immediate swelling, cold chills, high fever, and bodily weakness. The vast majority of these symptoms will fade within a matter of days to hours, but the true nature of these bites is more insidious. Large centipedes may cause allergic reactions in susceptible victims and lead to anaphylactic shock in some cases. If you suspect that a species of centipede has bitten you, it will be essential to find medical help immediately.

What Attracts Centipedes To Katy Homes?

All living creatures are attracted to their habitats for three primary reasons: food, water, and shelter. If the creature cannot meet at least one of these three needs, it will quickly die or be forced to move to a new area.

Centipedes are no exception. Although these pests are hardier than most, they cannot survive in an inadequate habitat longer than a few days. If your home has just the right mixture of food, humidity, and warm space, you may find yourself dealing with an infestation in short order.

Here is a comprehensive list of all the things that attract centipedes to Katie homes and businesses:

  • Centipedes love a good meal, and if they can find a large amount of pest activity around your home, they will quickly move in. Venomous centipedes typically use their toxins to kill and eat their prey, generally smaller insects and a small amount of plant matter. Their nocturnal natures lead them to hunt and eat at night, although some of their movements can be spotted during the day. 

  • Unlike other types of insects, centipedes do not have a waxy cuticle. This means they lose water much faster than other insects. Centipedes prefer to live in habitats with extremely high moisture content. Crawl spaces, bathrooms, kitchens, and other humid locales are some of their favorite places to settle down. If you happen to have a large amount of moisture buildup outside the house, you may struggle to control centipedes after an infestation. 

  • Although centipedes are not particularly picky about their preferred temperatures, they are not big fans of cool weather. Most centipedes prefer temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees and enjoy living in homes with higher thermostats. For example, it's not uncommon to see a centipede scuttling around the basement or garage during the summer season. 

If centipedes are already active in your home, you may have at least one of these three factors present. Remedying said factor may take some time, but it is possible to do before initial pest activity progresses into an infestation.

Natural Ways To Keep Centipedes Away From Your Katy House

Keeping centipedes entirely away from your Katy home isn't always possible. Although there are some prevention steps and tools you can use to discourage their approach, there's no such thing as a 100% centipede-free property. For this reason, it is recommended to use a combination of professional treatments and natural remedies to keep centipedes away from your Katy house.

Below are some of the most common ways to keep centipedes away without jeopardizing human health, wellness, or safety. Remember that the prevention steps you choose to use today will significantly influence your success tomorrow.

  • Start by eliminating all piles of detritus from around the house. Leaves should be raked up, thrown away, or burned. Loose sticks or wood logs should be split, stacked, or composted. Actual compost piles should be turned frequently to encourage breakdown, reducing centipede activity in and around the bin. Finally, tall weed piles should be cut back and thrown away to prevent your lawn from harboring many-legged creatures. 

  • Water management is an important aspect of centipede control. Whenever possible, drain pools of stagnant water, fountains, birdbaths, and any other object that could be holding water. Inside the house, use a dehumidifier to trap excess moisture. Desiccant bags and other moisture solutions can be used in small rooms such as pantries, linen closets, and laundry rooms. 

  • Consider inspecting your pipes, drains, and sewer openings for signs of backups, clogs, or improper draining. These are surefire ways to attract centipedes to your location and may end up having the most considerable influence on infestation around your property. If you do not feel comfortable repairing drains or pipes on your own, consider reaching out to a qualified local professional. 

  • Do what you can to eliminate excess clutter inside the house. Centipedes love hiding in damp areas, cluttered hallways, and unorganized closets. Store cardboard boxes up off the ground, be sure that books are put in their proper shelves, and mop, vacuum, and sweep frequently to eliminate other edible materials. 

Properly managing centipedes in and around your home is no easy task. Although these natural prevention steps may bring you closer to a centipede-free home, they should not take the place of a professional centipede treatment. When the time comes to restore your home to order, reach out to the experts behind Modern Pest Control. After your call, chat, or inquiry form, a member of our team will be in touch to discuss your treatment and prevention options.

How To Get Rid Of Centipedes On Katy Properties 

If you find yourself struggling to manage centipede invasions on your own, you are not alone. Regular pest infestations are commonplace here in Texas; infractions by centipedes are no exception. These pests make it challenging to find, secure, and restore your home to its former state, especially after an infestation. Long-term problems may increase your risk of bites and venom reactions, scare family and friends away, and make you uneasy in your own home.

To combat the threat of centipede invasion, consider turning to the knowledgeable professionals at Modern Pest Control. Our home pest control professionals have decades of experience with pest treatment, prevention, and mitigation, eliminating millions of pests for Katy’s residents. We believe in doing our work right the first time, delivering easy results on people and pets without compromising pest control. Whether you're dealing with a large infestation or just the first inclinations of threat, trust Modern Pest Control to protect your home, business, or lawn.

Still not sure if Modern Pest Control is suitable for you? Here's what a typical centipede control session could look like for your family:

  • The first step in any centipede control treatment is identifying the species in question. Although most centipede varieties in Texas are simple house centipedes, there may be exceptions. Our knowledgeable team members will visit your home at a time convenient to you, carefully scanning the environment for signs of centipedes, their eggs, or any other signs of habitation. If any concerning factors are found or signs of an infestation are on the horizon, our team will spring into action. 

  • Once our operatives have identified centipedes near the house, Modern Pest Control can start the process of developing a customized, full-service treatment plan. We'll work one-on-one with you and your family to identify potential service options. We evaluate your needs with our tailored program by matching regulations to your industry requirements for commercial industries. We offer traditional, natural, and alternative treatments that make the removal of centipedes a snap. 

  • Professional centipede treatments must go above and beyond the call of duty to be the best of the best. After your initial treatments have been completed, the Modern Pest Control team will return to scout your lawn one last time. If the signs and symptoms of centipedes are still clearly evident, or if you are concerned about a potential resurgence, we will return to retreat your home absolutely free. 

Don’t wait until your centipede infestation becomes too big to manage. As soon as you have an inkling about pest activity, egg-laying, or any habitation, immediately reach out to the pros behind Modern Pest Control. Feel free to call our Katy office location convenient to you or complete our online contact form to request additional information. Our team will get back to you within a few business days to start the centipede treatment process immediately.

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