How Pet-Free Houston Homes Can Get Fleas
If you don't have pets in your home and you start getting flea bites, it can be quite a mystery. It may cause you to have questions, such as, "Can fleas live on humans?" Don't worry, you're not losing your mind. Those fleas didn't come into your home on you or another human. While fleas can bite people, we make terrible hosts. Those fleas had to come into your home on an animal that has fur or hair—that is assuming it is a flea infestation.
"Is it a flea infestation?"
There are many critters that can bite your feet, ankles, and legs. It is possible that the bites aren't flea bites. One of the most obvious ways to tell that you have fleas is to actually see fleas spring onto your skin. They can spring up from a carpet, a hardwood floor and even tiles from your bathroom floor. If you've seen this, then you can move on to the next question.
"I don't have pets. So why are fleas biting me?"
If you have fleas in your home and you don't have a dog or a cat, there are two possibilities. You could have had a visit from someone with a pet and flea eggs were laid in your home. If this happened, you probably know about it. You may even remember when you said, "Sure. I don't mind if you bring your dog in." But this is the less likely possibility. It is more likely that you have rodents in your home.
Rodents And Fleas
Houston has a large mouse and rat population. These are common household pests. When rodents chew their way into our homes, they can bring fleas and other ectoparasites in with them. Squirrels, raccoons, opossums, and other furry animals can do this as well, but mice and rats aren't content to stay in attic spaces and wall voids like other animals. They tend to move about our homes in search of food. When they do, flea eggs and flea dirt fall off and create the conditions for a flea infestation to take root. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the flea dirt. They develop into cocooned pupa and eventually break free of their cocoons in search of a blood meal. They prefer to get on a furry animal permanently but, in a pinch, they'll get a blood meal from a human and then spring off.
"Okay. I have an infestation. How do I keep fleas from biting me?"
If you don't have a dog or a cat, you may be able to ward off flea bites by spraying oil of lemon eucalyptus on your feet, ankles, and legs to prevent fleas from getting a blood meal. The smell can prevent them from getting on you. Along with this, you should:
- Vacuum your rugs to remove eggs and flea dirt
- Clean your bedding
- Make sure you don't leave any clothing on the floor
- Get your rodent infestation taken care of by a licensed professional
"Can fleas make humans sick?"
Fleas aren't born with diseases. They get them from animals. If a flea came into your home on a mouse or a rat, there is a greater chance of illness because mice and rats get exposed to harmful bacteria when they get into trash and sewers. Some of the many diseases transmitted by fleas are murine typhus, tularemia, tungiasis, tapeworm, and bubonic plague.
We offer tips on what to do if fleas have gotten into your home but the best solution is always to seek the assistance of a pest control professional. A licensed expert can help you get control of rodents and also work to arrest a flea infestation inside your home. This can help you protect your health and the health of everyone living in your home.
If you live in the Greater Houston area, reach out to Modern Pest Control. We help families get control of harmful pest problems like flea and rodent infestations. We also provide ongoing pest control service programs like Modern Plus, Signature, and Signature Plus, which work to actively prevent pest problems all year long. We're standing by to help you with any pest problems you're dealing with. Contact us today for assistance!