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Evicting Spiders From Greater Houston-Area Homes
Spider on a web

Evicting Spiders From Greater Houston-Area Homes

There are a lot of spiders in Texas and the world as a whole. If you were to guess: how many would you say there are? Some scientists estimate that there are as many as one million spiders--per acre of land--on the whole earth! That is a scary thought. Here's an even scarier thought. It is likely that you have never been more than 10 feet from a spider in your entire life. Why? Because they live in the ground. They live inside trees and under bark. They live in the walls of the place you work. And they live inside the walls of your home. There are few, if any, homes that have no spiders in them. So how do you evict spiders from your Greater Houston-area home? You may not be able to. But you can make a big dent in their populations. Here are a few things to consider.

Spider Reduction

Even in a home that has hundreds of spiders, those spiders may only show themselves occasionally. They stay inside walls, inside floors, inside attic spaces, and down in the basement. They don't prefer to be out in common areas. If they do come out where you can see them, it is usually only long enough for them to establish a web. These webs are for capturing food and some spider species tend to several webs at a time. As the populations of spiders in your home rise, your chances of getting bitten rise. This is because there is more of a chance that a spider will climb on you while you're sleeping and bite you when you startle it by accident. If all you're able to do is reduce spiders, you can still have an impact.

Spider-Proof Homes

It takes a lot to spider-proof a home. Spiders can get in through very tiny openings, and you would be amazed at how many tiny holes there are in your home. If you make a strong effort to seal all potential entry points in your home, you are likely to still have spiders getting in. Most homes cannot be completely sealed. If you want a spider-proof home, you need to add ongoing residential pest control services to your defenses.

Outdoor Spider Prevention

Since it is very difficult to seal your home enough to keep spiders out, it is important to understand the conditions around your home that will attract spiders. Reducing these can reduce spider populations near your home and reduce the number of spiders exploring your walls.

  • Reduce exterior lighting or switch white lighting for yellow insect-resistant lighting to prevent the attraction of insects. The more insects you have around your home, the more spiders you're going to have.

  • Keep your trash sealed. Insects are drawn to open trash and spiders are drawn to insects.

  • Reduce moisture around your foundation perimeter. Some spiders eat ground-dwelling bugs and those ground-dwelling bugs live in moist places. The best way to reduce perimeter moisture is to make sure your gutter system is in good, working condition.

  • Reduce clutter. Spiders use lawn clutter as locations to establish webs and catch food. 

Dangerous Houston Spiders

If you take measures to seal your home and reduce attractants around your home you can reduce spiders in your home. This might be enough if all you deal with are common house spiders such as the American house spider, cellar spiders, or wolf spiders. These spiders don't have a bite that is medically important. If, however, you're seeing brown recluse spiders or black widow spiders inside your home, it is best to not take any chances. Reach out to a licensed pest control provider like Modern Pest Control and have your home inspected.

Is there a way to prevent venomous spiders from invading your Greater Houston home?

There are a few preventative measures you can take to reduce your chances of being bitten by one of these venomous spiders.

  • Removing lawn clutter and reducing moisture helps to control these spiders around your home.

  • Be cautious when you move rocks, flip boards over, pick brush piles, up and crawl into dark places under your porch, deck, or home. These spiders hide in dark, secluded places.

  • Be cautious when you go into your attic, garage, shed, barn, or outbuilding. Locations, where boxes and other items are stored, are common hiding places for venomous spiders.

  • Shake shoes and clothing before putting them on.

  • Pull your blankets down and take a quick check before you get into bed.

Residential Pest Control

When you invest in a residential pest control program, like Modern Plus, Signature, or Signature Plus, you get quarterly visits and routine treatments that work to control spiders and the bugs they eat. This has a wide-reaching impact on the pest populations in your yard and the number of pests getting into your home.

You may not be able to get rid of all the spiders in your home, but with residential pest control from Modern Pest Control, you can make it feel like your home is spider-free, and reduce your chances of unwanted bites. At the end of the day, that is the most important thing. Reach out to us today to schedule your service.

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