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Tips And Tricks To Prevent Nuisance Wildlife Around Your Fulshear Home
Raccoon resting on a wooden beam.

Tips And Tricks To Prevent Nuisance Wildlife Around Your Fulshear Home

As humans, we share our outdoor living spaces with a variety of wildlife. From squirrels and raccoons to birds and bats, all of these creatures have their place in the environment's hierarchical structure. And while some may enjoy watching certain animals from a distance, wildlife can become a serious nuisance when they invade our homes and gardens, causing damage, creating a noisy ruckus, and potentially spreading disease. 
These animals can cause extensive damage to your home and surrounding property by chewing through wiring and insulation, digging holes in lawns, and nesting in attics and crawl spaces. They can also carry a variety of diseases, including rabies, histoplasmosis, hantavirus, and more, which can all be transmitted to people and pets through contact with saliva, feces, or urine.
Some wildlife, such as raccoons, can become aggressive if they feel threatened, which can put humans and pets at risk of injury. And wildlife droppings and fur can trigger allergies and asthma in some individuals, leading to respiratory problems and other health issues. These animals can contaminate vegetable gardens with their waste, potentially causing illness if ingested.
When nuisance wildlife trespasses onto your property, they can be challenging to remove and even more difficult to keep away. But with Modern Pest Control on your side, you can feel confident and relieved that your home will remain a safe place to enjoy in peace. 
We employ the most effective wildlife removal strategies and techniques to protect your property from damage and your family from harm. Read on to learn more about some of the best ways to deal with intrusive critters, from prevention to humane removal, and how professionals with pest control in Fulshear can help evict these unwanted neighbors.

Common Types Of Nuisance Wildlife Found In Fulshear

The city of Fulshear is a growing suburb that sits about 32 miles west of Houston's metropolis. Despite its rapid growth, it has maintained its small-town charm and remains a tight-knit community where the friendly locals treat each other like family. The city hosts plenty of outdoor activities for residents of all ages. 
The thriving economy is an ideal place to raise a family. Not only does the area offer a plethora of family-friendly events throughout the year, but multiple community organizations and clubs also offer opportunities for families to get involved and make long-lasting connections with their neighbors. 
But in the midst of such a flourishing atmosphere, Fulshear is also home to a variety of wildlife species, some of which can become problematic if they invade your property. Some of these animal invaders include:

  • Raccoons: Known for their scavenging behavior and ability to get into trash cans and dumpsters. They can also cause damage to roofs, attics, and crawl spaces when they seek shelter.

  • Squirrels: Can cause damage to homes and gardens by chewing through wiring and nesting in attics and chimneys.

  • Opossums: Known for eating both plants and animals, they won't think twice about rummaging through your garbage cans, compost piles, or pet food. They can also cause damage to roofs and attics while looking for shelter.

  • Bats: These can cause issues if they roost in attics or other parts of homes. They can also carry harmful diseases, like rabies and histoplasmosis.

  • Skunks: Notorious for the pungent spray they use to ward off predators, they can destroy your vegetation and landscaping while hunting for food.

  • Moles: Can ruin the roots of plants by burrowing underground, which can make it easier for rodents to invade your yard and home.

To protect your property and your family from all of these creatures, it's a good idea to involve a professional wildlife and pest control company. Taking this step will not only remove an existing threat but will also help to prevent future unwanted intrusions.
So, if sealing entry points and removing attractants, like food and water sources, has not yielded the desired results, give Modern Pest Control a call for further assistance. We'll be glad to discuss your situation in more detail to develop a targeted action plan to resolve the problem.

Nuisance Wildlife Can Spread Disease And Damage Property

Not everyone likes living on the wild side, especially if that means encountering unpredictable animals around their home. If you're lucky enough to have property surrounded by nature, you know the joys of waking up to the sound of chirping birds and the rustling of leaves. But that scenario can also include dangerous wildlife lurking around every corner, turning your backyard into a daily adventure where you never know what awaits you.
Unfortunately, some of these creatures can carry harmful diseases that can pose a health hazard for your family and visitors. Creatures like bats, raccoons, and skunks can transmit rabies through their saliva, which is a serious viral infection that affects the nervous system and can be fatal if left untreated. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection typically transmitted by ticks commonly found on deer and other wildlife. Symptoms can include fever, fatigue, and a skin rash.
Many people have heard of hantavirus, which is a viral infection that's spread by rodents, like mice and rats. It can cause severe respiratory illness and can be fatal in some cases. Salmonella is a bacterial infection that raccoons and rodents can transmit. Common symptoms of this illness include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and fever. E. coli is another bacterial infection that certain wildlife, like rodents, can spread. Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection that can be contracted by inhaling spores found in the droppings of bats and other wildlife and can cause chest pain, coughing, and fever.
In addition to dangerous diseases, nuisance wildlife can cause considerable damage to your property, which can be expensive and time-consuming to repair. Raccoons and squirrels can wreak havoc and make a mess of your roof, attic, and crawl space when they seek shelter and build nests. This can lead to leaks, destroyed insulation, and even structural damage to your home. Rats and mice use their razor-sharp teeth to gnaw through electrical wiring, which can spark fires and cause other safety hazards.
A variety of wildlife can destroy your garden and landscaping by eating plants and digging up soil. Raccoons and opossums can contaminate your property with their feces and urine, which can lead to unpleasant odors and expose you to disease. For all of these reasons, it's critical to avoid direct contact with wildlife, wear protective clothing when necessary, and wash your hands frequently. 
More importantly, get in touch with your local pest control company to schedule professional wildlife removal services. Also, if you suspect that you or a family member has been exposed to a disease transmitted by wildlife, seek medical attention immediately.

Five Practical Wildlife Prevention Tips

Have you ever tried to keep wildlife out of your yard? It's like playing a never-ending game of "catch me if you can." Does it ever feel like these critters enjoy the thrill of seeing how fast they can overcome any deterrent you throw their way? If you're tired of playing a nonstop guessing game to figure out how to deter these creatures, let's go over five practical yet simple wildlife control prevention tips that will save your sanity while keeping your property intact:

  • Secure trash cans: Make sure they are securely closed to prevent wildlife from accessing them. Consider using bungee cords or other locking mechanisms to keep lids closed.

  • Eliminate food sources: Don't leave pet food outside, and avoid feeding birds or other wildlife. Pick up any fallen or rotted fruit off the ground, and clean up any food spills or crumbs immediately.

  • Block entry points: Check your home's exterior for any gaps or holes that could serve as entry points for wildlife. Seal these areas with caulk, mesh, or other appropriate materials.

  • Install barriers: Use fencing to keep wildlife away from your property. Consider using electric fencing or other deterrents for persistent animals.

  • Trim trees and bushes: Trim trees and overgrown bushes away from your home to prevent animals from using them as access points or pathways to your roof or attic.

You can also use motion-activated lights and alarms to scare away wildlife from your property. This can be particularly effective for deterring nocturnal animals like raccoons and opossums.
For a hilariously fun and creative way to ward off wildlife, try using different fear tactics, like putting up decoys. Fake owls, scarecrows, balloons, or even inflatable snakes can discourage the bravest creature from coming around. However, don't let wildlife outsmart you. Move these items around your yard so animals don't catch on to the deception.

Periodically power wash the inside of your garbage containers to loosen and blast away stuck-on debris that may attract certain wildlife even after the trash has been collected. Many animals have an acute sense of smell, so even the tiniest smudge of food residue is enough to lure them.
If you're experiencing a persistent problem with these critters, contact a reputable wildlife control company to help identify the sources of the issue and develop a comprehensive plan for prevention and wildlife removal.

The Most Effective Wildlife Control For Your Property

It takes a multi-varied and proactive approach to keep wildlife from constantly roaming freely around your property. The first step in effective wildlife control is identifying the specific species causing the problem and the extent of the infestation. Knowing this pertinent information is key to establishing the appropriate control strategies. It's crucial to take steps to prevent wildlife from accessing your property in the first place. This includes removing food and water sources, closing off entry points, and using fencing or other barriers.

However, if wildlife has already gained access to your property, it should be removed safely and humanely, which may involve live trapping, exclusion techniques, or other appropriate measures. Once these critters have been removed, it's important to clean up any feces, urine, or other waste that may have been left behind to avoid unpleasant odors and prevent the spread of disease. After the infestation has been dealt with, it's important to monitor your property for any signs of a re-infestation. This should involve routine inspections, ongoing prevention measures, and prompt action if new problems arise.

Effective wildlife control often requires the help of licensed and reputable wildlife control experts who possess the experience, knowledge, training, and equipment needed to remove wildlife safely and quickly from your property and can recommend the most effective prevention strategies for your specific situation. Since dealing with wildlife can be dangerous, especially if the animals are agitated or frightened, professionals have the means to handle them safely, minimizing the risk of injury to themselves and others.

Professional pest specialists are committed to the humane removal of wildlife by using trapping and removal techniques that are designed to minimize stress and harm to the animals. They're also masters at recognizing the root causes of your wildlife dilemma to develop a comprehensive prevention plan.

Many wildlife species are protected by law, and it's important to comply with all state regulations when dealing with them. Professionals are familiar with the legal requirements for trapping, handling, and removing wildlife and can ensure that all necessary permits and licenses are obtained.
Constant encounters with wildlife can be stressful and degrade the peacefulness of your home life. When you use professional wildlife control services, you'll get peace of mind of knowing that the issue will be handled quickly, safely, and effectively.

Since 1952, Modern Pest Control has provided exceptional pest management solutions that our Fulshear residents can count on. We understand that pest control done right isn't a one-size-fits-all situation. That's why we utilize many different methods and strategies that we customize to suit your specific needs. We understand the mental and emotional toll that encountering wildlife can take, especially when they're roaming around the very place where you're supposed to feel the most at ease.

Allow us to help you freely enjoy your property again without looking over your shoulder or watching where you step. Reach out to us today to request your courtesy inspection!

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